
Whats your Haplogroup?

by Guest65399  |  earlier

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Mine's L2




  1. I1a Anglo-Saxon (I1a-AS) -Our roots go all the way back to Germany.So I am blonde hair, blue eyes but I am not a n**i.

  2. I1b1 Got the pair eyes from all this mixing...

  3. You seem to have a West or South West African Haplogroup.  Those from East (the horn of Africa) or North Africa tend to have M or N for the most part.  Central African (bushmen & pygmy) tend to have the oldest haplogroup (L1).  Mine is HG1... Most commonly British or NorthWestern Europe. Good to find someone else with an interest in human migration & haplogroups.

  4. HLA B-27, so I was born with Crohn's Disease and my Dad has Ankylosing Spondylitis. I think this is all the fault of a Cornish ancestor who lived before 1500, but where his ancestors came from originally, I don't know.
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