
Whats your MOST embarrassing moment? ?

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  1. i was with my friends and i knew someone who didnt speak gudd english and we were at a party...and there was cake and i was like cool that "freakin sweet" and ma non english speaking friends sayd "yea thats froggy sweat" and it was funii but my other friends still wont let me live it down...

  2. Many years ago, in college, I was working in a nice restaurant as salad chef (Not as hard as it sounds).  We used to take turns delivering birthday cakes to party tables.  One night it was my turn.  I was nervous so my friend said, "Here take a little snort of this marching powder, you won't feel any stagefright."  So I did then grabbed the cake and strode manfully to the table.  I put down the cake and began leading in the singing of "Happy Birthday to You."  No one joined in.  I was in the middle of the song so I couldn't very well stop.  All in the dining room were silently staring at me.  Some had their mouths open as if in shock.  I still kept singing: "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..."  The song seemed never ending.  Finally it was over and no one spoke.  I went back to the kitchen and said, "What happened?  Did I get the wrong table?"  "No," my friend said, "But you sang Happy Birthday to the tune of the Star Spangled Banner."  

  3. A maxi pad falling out of my bookbag in front of my whole junior high class while I was rushing to the bathroom.

  4. My fiance and I were going to college. He lived with five other guys, but at any given time there would be one or two random guys that would stay there for the week. In order to see each other I would have to come over in the early morning between our two jobs and classes. It was that, or we couldn’t see each other during the week. He started sleeping out on the couch because his roommate that shared a room with him started a graveyard shift and needed his sleep. One morning, before the sun came up, I had just let myself in to his apartment, and saw that his alarm clock was by the couch so that he wouldn’t sleep through class. He hadn’t been expecting me so I carefully walked through the pitch black apartment trying not to trip over anything. I wanted to surprise him with a wake up kiss, so I knelt down and started to kiss him. It was turning quite passionate when all of the sudden he went completely rigid. I sat up to see what was wrong and it wasn’t my fiance at all. It was some random guy who had just happened to stay overnight. I thought I was going to die! All I could pathetically say was, “Sorry, I thought you were my fiance.” His reply’ Well, after he stopped laughing and could finally take a breath said “It’s all good.”

  5. usually when i trip and fall it happens a lot to me and my clumsy self

    Also when i can't think of a good comeback when someone's being rude or mean thats a rare accurence but I usually say well your mom or in spanish tu madre or something stupid which is soooo embarrising

    Oh and anytime I go out with my family its so embarrising they are horrible!

  6. Kissing this random guy on the lips who I thought was my boyfriend. :O

  7. I once worked on an election campaign........many moons ago.....

    I was chatting up this really NICE girl.........and thought I was doing FABULOUS.   She was giggling and flippng her hair, and everything......and seemed really into I invited her to step outside and go get a hot dog.

    She very politely declined.......and just then......two burly bodyguards came over.........(and probably wanted to know who the h**l was trying to lure her outside.......)   and said it was time to go, ......Kara.

    Kara????   Kara??????????

    I was totally oblivious............

    she then said something about her father needed her or something.....

    and pointed to the man I was working for...........Ted Kennedy.

    Kara???????   As in Kara KENNEDY???????????

    and with a sheepish grin and a wave..........they whisked her off.


    Let's get a hot dog.......HMMMPPPHHHHH!!!!

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