
Whats your Million dollar Idea?

by  |  earlier

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Everyone has an idea, or a talent that they think they can live off, or get rich from....





  1. scratch off a lottery ticket!

  2. Coming up with a million dollar idea.

  3. not telling. lol, nah just kidding. if i had one i wouldnt be on here

  4. I plan to invent a teleportation device to end the energy crisis, alleviate pollution, and make the planet the haven the bleeding-heart idealists just know it would be without evil humans singlehandedly ruining everything.

  5. Hydrogen wells.  They exist in small numbers, but not in large numbers.  You use solar panels to break hydrogen and oxygen from water.  You store the hydrogen and then at night you run the hydrogen on a fuel cell generator (they already exist) where the exhaust is water (which can be used the next day).  This can allow a person to use solar power day and night.  That concept kind of exists, but if it goes mainstream with a lot of suppliers, people could make some good money.

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