
Whats your Tenor Sax Jazz setup?

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Reeds,mouthpiece,sax ect.

or anything else that would help me get that jazzy sound out of my Cannon Ball Stone series Big Bell Professional Saxophone




  1. Hey I've been asking that question for six months and now you come along. Head over to and you will find EVERYTHING on the sax that you need.

    My jazz sax setup would be Yamaha YTS 82Z Black/Gold with a Selmer D or Vandoren Java T55 mouthpiece and Vandoren ZZ #3 reeds.

    Very complicated, took me months to put it together, but this is a setup for me. If you're looking for your own setup then try all the jazz reeds you can, Rico Jazz and Vandoren, with all the mouthpieces you can. Start with Otto Links, Vandorens, and Selmers to find a mouthpiece. You have a great sax (I've always wanted a Cannonball) and you should be able to get that jazzy sound from your stock mouthpiece and a great reed (yes, I know they don't exist). Head over to your local music store with your sax and ask to try their mouthpieces. If you already have a good reed in mind then take a new one with you, maybe played once or twice, and use that with your sax.

    I also suggest getting sax lessons. Typically if you find a sax teacher, they know how to teach jazz too.  

  2. do you know how long i have been looking for a saxophone question?  a long time!

    okay, now we have here a tenor wanting to become jazzed up.  i think i know something about this.

    you want to either get a harder reed if your playing the higher notes(notes B-up).  but harder reed makes it harder to play the lower notes.  and if your song is mostly for the lower notes the nyou need a softer reed so that you can get that low(notes A-down).  but this makes the higher notes harder to play so get the reed thats right for you.

    you want to get a real jazzed mouthpiece.  so i suggest that you get one thats expensive because those are almost better than cheaper ones.  tenor sax rubber mouthpieces are good.  but to make sure you want to look up "jazzy mouthpieces for a tenor".  that should help with the mouthpiece problem.

    now as for your saxophone problem.  you dont want to go to the trouble to by a tenor sax just because it sounds moe jazzy.  but if you must, look up "jazzy tenor saxes" or "tenor saxes made for jazz" or just look up "tenor saxophones".  but theres a lot more than the sax, you can add vibrato to your tone.  vibrato is when you make the music flow.  you do this by gentily oppening your mouth, only a little bit though because if you do it too much it will make your tone sound bad.

    hope i helped!

  3. theres different size mouthpieces that will give you more jazzy sounds sorry i don't know the names right off the top of my mind.

    also jazzy tone has to deal more with the brand

    another thing if you believe your doing jazz most likely your doing some type of form

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