
Whats your best pick up line?

by  |  earlier

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  1. whats your favorite color?

  2. hey babe, do ya have a boyfriend?....Oh you do?...well when you want a manfriend give me a call :)

  3. i don't have ne i just ask them out!! hehe

    help me;...;...

  4. if u want a girl a pickup line is the worst way to go

  5. Dont really have one but this 1 is funny

    Is this love at 1st sight or do i have to walk pass u again(kinda cheesy and lame)

  6. I don't really use it on people, just as jokes aha

    Heres some(:

    I got some skittles in my mouth, want to tatse the rainbow?

    If i dug a hole, and called it love, would you fall in it with me?

    you're like a dictionary, you add meaning to my life!

  7. one of my friends came up to me and said ...."i lost my teddy bear ..will you sleep with me?" lol he probably wont pick up anyone with it but it will make them smile

  8. I have never had or needed one.

  9. Girl you must be tired - because youve been runnin through my mind all day!

  10. how do you like your eggs in the morning?


  11. Hey baby, where do you hide your wings?

    because you must be an angel.......


    girl i know you're feet must be tired because you've been running through my mind all day...

    idk, i don't have any, i just say " yeah, they're real" and it works for me.

  12. I guess you should give em a complement and walk away... if they are interested they will chase you.

  13. Nice ****...get in the truck *****!

  14. haha i don't need one--- i'm already so good lookin :)

    lol this is a girl by the way.. no homo.

    just felt like answering out of crappy boredum :P

  15. If I told you you had a gorgeous body, would you hold it against me?

  16. well pick up lines never work and are useless, but here's one

    "If you were Spock's phaser, you would be set to stun."

  17. They are all funny!!

    Ok ok here is a few I like:

    Do you have a Bandaid? Because I just scraped my knee falling for you.

    Hey I just realized this, but you look alot like my next girlfriend.

    Do you have any raisins? No? How about a date?

    The last one is my favorite!!

  18. Is heaven missing an angel? Cause you're hot or something. Plus.. those must be space pants. Nice shoes.

  19. ya wanna do it?

    -Chris Farley

  20. Pick-up line: *blush* Mary stutters, "Um-uh hey dude!"

    Lol, that's the best I've had...usually I don't have a pick-up line, but that's the closest thing to it.

  21. Nice shoes..

    Wanna Fu**??

    best one ever ;)

    but honestly, they dont work half of the time, so i have avoided using them, and when they are used on me, I cant help but laugh. I say stupid ones with my friends all the time and they just end in laughing hysterics. Here is a website I get them from, they have a ton.

  22. Where the #@%! IS MY CAR?!

    Works every time.


    One thumb up, yayz. But seriously, where the **** did you put it?


  23. pick up lines dont work

  24. *sniff sniff* i los my teddy bear.............

    can i sleep with you

  25. dude... whats your name

    lol. i don't use them

    answe rmine:;...

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