
Whats your best thing to cure hangover?

by Guest21277  |  earlier

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when you wake up after an awesome night of partying and you feel that horrible feeling at the back of your ghead and you constantly feel sick, whats your best thing to eat/do for a hangover?

personaly i eat a packet of chilli heatwave doritos and drink a yazoo strawberry milkshake lol =) yumm

you guys should try it by the way lol




  1. "Hair of the dog that bit you" always works best. I take shot or two of whiskey, some aspirin, drink some water, then go back to bed.

  2. Time and eating healthy(drink lots of water to flush out ur system) it should help...but definately time.

  3. AA meetings can help with a bad hang over

  4. drink lots of vitamin C or u can try drinking a lil like a shot of tequila but not to much cuz then ur back where u started

  5. Grape juice, H2o and b-15!

  6. you need to find a good sports that has a high electrolyte content.then drink as much as you can get in your system as quickly as you can.Good luck, an next time try to drink some water after every couple drinks

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