
Whats your biggest fear?

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mine to to be slowly eaten alive by a snake or gigatic worm or something like that guy got eaten in the new king kong to be slowly consumed alive and having no way out is messed up and i wish it on no one....other then one person mwhahaha




  1. Can I have 4? I can't choose between them. Pain, lonliness, insanity, and humiliation.

  2. being in a crowd of people i dont know.

  3. Getting eaten alive is pretty bad... But I'd have to say being paralysed and having to waste away trapped in front of a TV, playing an endless stream of soaps, is even worse.

  4. Public humiliation, death through starvation (being trapped somewhere with no means to escape and no food or water), death in general.

  5. being shot

  6. I am not fearful of dying...but of having to die in PAIN.

  7. other than dying, its spiders and zombies. even worse is to be eaten by zombie spiders.

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