
Whats your biggest regret in life?

by Guest63765  |  earlier

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i have lots of regrets but i think my biggest was not visiting my a really close friend while i had the chance before he passed away expectantly




  1. When I emailed a former teacher about my problems(thougths about cutting, depression, ect) and she called my school's counselor. It is the biggest regret in my life. And my parents bring it up sometimes and makes me feel really bad.

  2. letting the people that I cared so much about slip out of my life

    being too afraid of the risk to do things  

  3. I have no regrets for things I have done....only for those things which I have not.

  4. no regrets, everything happens for a reason.

  5. That my mom married my bum of a stepfather, he ruined everything.  Why was he even born.

  6. Blaming him for what happened. He didn't deserve it.

  7. s*x at 13

  8. s*x i'm 14

  9. Going out with a 16 (almost 17) year old guy when I was only 12....and actually believing that he loved me when he told me he did! And letting him take advantage of me!

  10. Never regret, just learn from mistakes

  11. telling the police where my pot was.

  12. not being close to my parents

  13. I would say not speaking up this one time.

  14. Biggest? Moving 2500 miles away to live with a BF. We split and I am left holding the bag while he moves on with some jesus freak w***e!

  15. Being a 19 year old virgin

  16. my biggest regret is having s*x at my age. i feel so stupid for doing, and now i feel as if when i am older, s*x will not be as wonderful as it should be.

  17. I don't regret what I've done, I've regret what I haven't done .... and that's be an elementary teacher like I went to college for. Dang, what a waste of time and money.

  18. not making the most of my teen years....i spent the majority of my time in bed, studying or on the computer.

  19. I dunno, I have a lot. I don't like this question

  20. having my tubes tied when I was 25...wish I had not done that..

  21. stayin out till12 30 .. and i got curfew ticket and my parents got realliii mad worsee **** ...

  22. going out with my friend, julie and wendy

  23. First of all I'm really sorry for your loss, there is no need to regret. instead you should feel happy because you got to be apart of a wonder full persons life, and you will remember them forever, they will remember you for ever. In my case i often feel regret when my decisions proved unintelligent and cause economic loss and when i have to loose mental peace.i feel i am an intelligent and regret when some times i had to behave like a fool...

    Take care you!

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