
Whats your favorite Finisher(s)?

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For me, one of them is the Pepsi Plunge. For some who dont know what it is, its Pedigree off the Turnbuckle.

Heres a video of it;

Its awesome. Also i love the Tombstone, SSP, Whisper in the Wind and Sharpshooter.


Whats your favorite finisher(s)?




  1. Swanton Bomb, Whisper in the Wind, Pedigree, Batista Bomb, FU, STFU, Figure Four Leglock, Tombstone, and Sweet Chin Music

  2. Gut Crusher, Sharpshooter RKO, Shoting Star Press, And The Anaconda Vice

  3. Canadian Destroyer


    The Cop Killa

  4. I really like Tigerbombs and 450 splashes and things but my favorate finishers in the wwe are definitly the Swanton Bomb.

    Also the RKO because it can come out of nowhere and anywhere

  5. Tombstone, Chockslam, RKO and Whisper in the Wind.

  6. You better love the tombstone! LOL. Some of my other favorite finishers are the Chokeslam, Shooting Star Press, Canadian Destroyer, Sharpshooter, 450 Splash, Sweet Chin Music, Frog Splash, and the Anaconda Vice.

  7. RKO and GTS

  8. moonsault

  9. Tombstone and RKO

  10. The Pepsi Plunge is awesome. If only Punk could have used it in the WWE. Well my favorites are the SSP, RKO, Stunner, and Sweet Chin Music. Whisper in the Wind is also cool. Another one of my favorites is The Canadian Destroyer. It is very effective and deadly. In submission moves the Sharpshooter is one of the best.

  11. Houdini- Its where you spit on their back they turn around and you get them right in the face!!!!!!

  12. My favorite of all time would have to be the Shooting Star Press; it's one of the most beautiful and most dangerous finishers in wrestling history.

    Other favorites of mine include:

    - The Vertebreaker/Da Gringo Killa/Da Cop Killa/Kudo Driver

    - the Pounce (Monty Brown's high-angle shoulder block that sends the opponent flying)

    - The Burning Hammer as done by Kenta Kobashi; an Inverted Death Valley Driver that is just crippling and deadly.

    - The Lionsault as done by Chris Jericho

    - Shawn Michaels' Sweet Chin Music. Simple but deadly.

    - Undertaker's Gogoplata finisher; too bad he barely does that anymore.

    - Frankie Kazarian does a mean Flux Capacitor/moonsault side slam

    - Rob Van Dam's Five-Star Frog Splash. His is the only perfect frog splash I know of.

    - Christian Cage's Unprettier; I like the name and the wrestler. XD

    - KENTA's Go 2 Sleep; not even CM Punk does it better.

    - CM Punk's Pepsi Plunge; he perfected the Pedigree.

    - Low-Ki's Ghetto Stomp/diving double foot stomp; it makes me cringe just watching it.

    - Bryan Danielson's Cattle Mutilation; it's pretty sick.

    - El Generico's Brainbustaah!; makes you worry for the poor guy on the receiving end.

    - Matt Sydal/Evan Bourne did an awesome pumphandle piledriver called the Here We Go Driver in the indies; too bad he doesn't get to do it in WWE.

  13. There is a lot of them I like

    Pepsi Plunge

    Anaconda vice

    canadian destroyer


    Chock slam



    Go to sleep

    There are so many more that are awesome but I will go for those for now. Summer Slam was so awesome. :-)

    Go CM Punk and Undertaker!!!

  14. The Pull Out and Release

  15. swanton, twist of fate, ank whisper in the wind!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i like poetry in motion too but thats not a finisher.

    P.S. I love jeff too,isnt he amazing <3

  16. clothesline from h**l, pedigree, SCM, stunner, tombstone, chokeslam it goes on and on  

  17. batista bomb, tombstone, FU by john cena,

  18. Stone Cold Stunner

  19. GTS,Swanton,RKO,Pedigree,Sweet Chin Music,Sharpshooter,Tombstone Piledriver,Shooting Star Press,Anaconda Vise,Walls Of Jericho, and a lot more. =]


  21. I like the Stone Cold Stunner, Sweet Chin Music, F-U, Sharpshooter, Tombston Pile Driver, The Pedigree, and last but not least is the

    Five Star Frogsplash.

  22. the canadian destroyer

  23. I have a lot- Sweet Chin Music, Tombstone, Last Ride, RKO, Swanton, Shooting Star Press, Crossface, Sharpshooter, Walls of Jericho

  24. Corkscrew 630, the RKO, the Canadian Destroyer, Tombstone, and the GORE GORE GORE.

  25. I have 3

    first-TKO because you know how it looks like an F-5 and an RKO combined well my friend made that up and he had no idea it was already a move and i still laugh about it today and its still an awesome move

    second-Super Kick it can come outta nowhere and knock you out

    3rd-Sharpshooter its a wicked submission have you ever been in that move it hurts so bad i have no idea how Stone Cold could survive for that long

  26. Shooting Star and sweet chin music when he did it to shelton in mid air :D

  27. Rko

    Mic Check

  28. F-5  

  29. I like the Pepsi Plunge, Sweet Chin Music

  30. last ride and choke slam

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