
Whats your favorite WWE entrance song?

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Mine is Edges




  1. This isn't even close.  HHH's "The Game" is the best, most appropriate theme song ever.  EVER.  A hardcore, a**-kicking tune, perfectly suiting his character.

    Back in my soccer days, it was always the last song I played before getting out of my car.

  2. Batista - I Walk Alone

  3. Definately Egdes but Ortons new and old ones were cool..the Rated RKO entrace was really cool

  4. Mine is Melinas (MNMs) music. Mark Henrys is also very cool.  

  5. Kane

  6. undertakers!

  7. Edge's theme

    Song: Metalingus

    Artist- AlterBridge

  8. Batista.  

  9. kanes

  10. undertaker is the ultimate but jeff hardy and hhh are cool too.

  11. Edge is good but i like Rated Rko's song more i also like randy orton's song - Burn in my light

  12. There are a few really great themes. HBK , HHH's "Play the Game" theme, Steve Austin, Hogan, The Rock,  Sandman's Metalica Theme,  Shane Douglas's Deep Purple theme, and of couse Slick's theme.

  13. HHH

  14. undertaker or hbk or stone cold  

  15. Mvp's I'm commin by slick

    Jeff hardy no more words enderafter

    Hawkins and ryder's theme in the middle of it

  16. Batista or Kane's old theme.

  17. HBK's s**y boy

    gets me goin every time  

  18. Triple H

  19. Undertaker.How can one not love that ominous music?

  20. The Great Khali.

  21. Kofi Kingston!!

  22. Metalingus (Edge's Theme) by Alter Bridge

    Great lyrics that I can relate to on many levels...

  23. I like Alter Bridge (Edge) but I like Rev Theory more (Randy Orton)

  24. Thiple H's, Undertaker, or HBK

  25. Kane's newest. just came on last week

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