
Whats your favorite and least favorite breed of horse? Why?

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I like TBs best- They're atheletic, and great eventers! But alot of them have nice movement for the dressage ring as well. Although alot off the track are psychos- but whatev, not their fault.

And I know someone is gonna want to shoot me for this, but I really dislike QUARTER HORSES.




  1. I dont have a designated 'favorite' breed. I dont stick with one single mind set when it comes to horses.

    I own two horses, and they are total opposites. I have  a short, stocky quarter horse gelding with a short, quick stride and a hyper but dependable temperament. But I also have a tall, long backed, lean Standardbred pacing mare with a long fast stride, and a stubborn,  sometimes downright witchy attitude. And I have to say, I love them both equally.

    Every breed has its good horses. And every breed has its bad ones. It all comes down to a SINGLE HORSE'S attitude, not the entire breed.

  2. I know you said you dislike quarter horses, but honestly, they are one of the most versatile breeds out there.

    Not only can they be used for practical purposes, such as ranching, but they can also be ridden in the show pen and on trails. You see quarter horses being ridden in a variety of disciplines- from dressage, to jumping, to western pleasure, to cutting. Most of them have a superb mind, and aren't crazy like some other horse breeds. Sure, some of them can be crazy, but most of the ones i have been around act calm 97% of the time.

    Quarter horses have the endurance and guts to compete in all events, and they also have the movement for the western pleasure, the beauty, and the athleticism to compete. They are obviously one of the most popular breeds since AQHA is one of the biggest horse registries in the US. I can't say I know of any other breed out there that can literally "do it all" like quarter horses. Personally, I'd say i am rather partial to them : )

  3. I like paint horses because they usually have good temperament. I don't like Arabian horses because their temperament is NOT good at all. Take my word for it!!

  4. Im a fan of arabs and TBs. I've always had a special connection with them for some reason.

    I dont know if I have a least favorite breed....I would have to say Appys can be real jerks, but I don't hate them...keep me on my toes :-)

  5. I don't have a least favourite breed of horse but i absoloutly love Friesians. I don't know why, mabye because they have a really nice movement and look proud all the time, i don't know i just love them.

  6. appaloosa can be used for just about anything and they are different looking.

    tbs because they are ran as babies and broke down before they are mature.

  7. It definetely depends on the horse....


    FAV is arab for sure. I just love them.

    LEAST FAV- Trakener, yes I know I can't spell it, but I've found them to be stubborn brats and I personally don't like their looks.

    Thoroughbreds- personally don't like them. They can be ok, but they can be not. I've found that esp. geldings have very little personality. Plus the first horse I rode(and showed too I guess) was a TB and we HATED each other. I tried to like him, but nope.

  8. Yeah my favourite horses are Anglo Arabs as they can turn their hand to everything- endurance, eventing, dressage you name it! And they look gorgeous too!

    I don't really have a least favourite horse, but sometimes the Shetland at the yard can be annoying! (but I still love him xx)

  9. It's so difficult to pick a favorite!!!

    My favorites-TBs, Fiesians, and Akhal Tekes. I loove TBs because they aret the first thing that comes to mind when I think of "horse".

    I love Friesians because they are just incredibly stunning.

    Akhal Tekes-you never see them, and I like their lean appearance-and that 'satin-like' coat that some of them have.

    My least favorites;

    I can't even pick. Probably horses which have those walks/gaits-I just don't like the way it looks =/

    AND-just to note; I based this off of APPEARANCE.

    As others have mentioned-its NOT about breed, its about the individual. They are goods and bads of every breed. Ive only picked the breeds I've picked because I, myself, find them to be "nice to look at" so to speak, not because one makes a better horse than the other, or one is a smoother ride than the other, or whatever other reason.

  10. Like the second poster said, I judge ito n the horse.

    But I've always like warmbloods.

  11. If you are asking which breed is the best, then it is totally subjective.  However, if you are just looking for a general consensus as to what people like then it is a fair question.

    There are good and bad in every breed for sure.  I am partial to Quarter Horses because that is what I breed, show and train.  I also like the TB for their movement and grace, but hate them for their personalty (in general).  I would have to say, though, that the Appendix QH is my favorite.  they have the great movement of the TB's and the mind and temperment of the QH.  It seems to be a great all around horse.

    I have also met some Paso Fino's I love, though I am not a big fan of the gaited horses.

  12. My favourite breed is probably a TB. They're great eventers and excel at just about everything. Except for maybe barrel racing. They suck at barrel racing. The only thing I could do without is their way over the top personas. That's why I would lean more towards an Appendix Quarter Horse. Mix in some QH to even the horse out more.

    My least favourite would have to be Welsh Cobs. I just find them to be so unfriendly and deceitful. Wouldn't ever look into a Welsh Cob unless it was a rescue who needed my help. In that case, I wouldn't turn down any horse, regardless of breed. :)

    edit: Oh, I don't stereotype breeds at all, I just have met about 20 Welsh Cobs and I haven't liked any of them. (A friend of my dad's owns and breeds them.) I only say that I prefer TBs because I was raised around TB and TB x's.

  13. I don't have a most favorite or a least favorite.  There are so many breeds out there that I haven't even tried, I think my range is limited to just the most common breeds.

    And it really totally depends on the horse.  I have ridden mustangs that are amazing, and then seen ones that aren't good for anything besides dog food.  I've ridden fantastic Arabs, and ones that were the most annoying, spooky knotheads ever.  I've ridden wonderful Appaloosas, and then been around one that was so dumb it flipped itself upside down on a daily basis (not rolling, I mean from a standing position).  The list goes on and on.

    I cannot choose and would really hate to have to.

  14. I really like Tbs for the same reason as you. They are athletic, great movers, and great jumpers. And you can use them for pretty much anything english.

    Well being me I have a love hate relationship with ponys. They are cute, but there attitude is a more like "make me" attitude. But with horses they want to please you. So I guess my least favourite would be a welsh. I had a welsh, he was a brat. He would rear buck, spin, and bolt. I like them but I hate there attitude. Theres probably some welshes with good minds but just the few I have come across have been dorks and rear and buck... we sold my old pony and got a tb and I LOVE him.

  15. This is such a Stereo typical question!!! This question just stirs ignorance of the horse breeds!!!! There are AWSOME horses in EVERY breed!!! & Really crappy horses in every breed!!!!


    There is soooooo MANY IGNORANTE answers about horse breeds!!!!!! It is awful!!!!! Just because you have see  one to a handful of that breed acting bad so they all are.....??!!!! I think everyone should have to educate themselves on breeds temperments!!!!!!!! Just shows how many of you truly know what your talking about!!!!!!!

  16. i love TB's also, but i see alot come off the track as quite as can be, i see less psycho TB's then i see psycho warmbloods and paints.. but anyway...

    i have a thing against all gaited breeds, Arabians, Morgans, and drafts.  I know, its a long list.  But gaited breeds look unnatural, and I'm okay with them for trails or whatever but in the show ring with the legs up to their eyes isn't natural.

    I have a thing against Morgans and Arabians because all the ones I've seen were out of control and running me over at shows.. or running off with their riders in the w/t under 11 classes, and that's just not right.

    and i don't like drafts, one because its not natural to ride them, they're meant to pull stuff (same goes for Frisians) and two because all the ones I've had to work with wouldn't move and i HATE horses who don't move.

    -not the best reasons for disliking a breed, but whatever [=

    EDIT: this was a question about breeds, and through my experiences these are the breeds i don't like.

    I KNOW THERE ARE NICE ONES OUT THERE!  but from what I've seen, I'm not convinced of how many there is.  One of my friends events with me on an Arabian, and one of my favorite horses of all time was a Morgan, so i don't hate them all!

    and you can't doubt that riding drafts isn't right, they're not meant to be ridden.

  17. I'm open to any kind of horse that has a sound mind and good training, but if you mean what types do I tend to gravitate to...

    I love drafts, and always have.  Generally nice and quiet, and I love how stocky and big they are.  I love Iberian types too.  I don't like friesians so much, as the ones I have know and worked with (30 or 35) have been rather harebrained and hot.  

    I like fjords because they are plucky and independent - at least, the 15 or 20 I've worked with.  I have never been a huge fan of QHs though I really have nothing by which to justify that opinion, except that there's just certain breeds I tend to like more than them.  I also like standardbreds for their (usually!) big fugly hammerheads and quiet, no-nonsense minds.

    And yes...I AM generalizing and NO, I do not know all horses of all breeds.  

    So on that note, I suppose I should add a disclaimer that I, like most people, simply *like* certain breeds more than others, but that does not mean we shouldn't be open to all breeds and/or be "breed blind".  When the time comes to go horse shopping, I am looking at any and every breed that fulfils the requirements I'm looking for (i.e., sound and well trained).  I really don't think there' anything wrong with liking or not liking certain's only human to have preferences like that!

  18. i love quarter horses, paints, and paso finos i hate arabins walkers every hate horses for some reasion i mostly hate the horses that i hater because of the way they look oh and i LOVE mustangs

  19. Arabians & Quarter horses & Standardbreds are my favorite breed of horse. Their gorgeous and graceful, the arabian has a beautiful body and when worked to their prime can be gorgeous(well, they always are). Quarter horses are built for power, thick muscles, large hindquarters, beautiful movers. And arabians are beautiful movers as well. The reason I love Standardbred's is because they were my first encounter with horses, I paced & trotted them(not as in racing, but working them out). Also, Standardbred's are amazing animals to me. Gorgeous in every single way.

    My least favorite breed of horse would have to be Thoroughbreds. Their overworked and used countless time and time again. This breed has the ability to be a good family pet, but their disposition worries me. I know that all horses are capable of causing harm to its rider, but the Thoroughbred is too much for me. Plus, I believe they shouldn't be raced, their wasting away on the racetrack when they could be in a loving home.

    That's my two cents xDDD

  20. Let's not discriminate by breed. A good horse is a good horse no matter what breed they are.

  21. I love baroque breeds. I find they are usually fairly quiet, intelligent and incredibly graceful. They have that natural ability for collection and so much presence.

    I own a Hanoverian. I don't have much experience with the breed in general but my guy is quiet with a decent work ethic and is good at his job (dressage)

    I've ridden arabians, thoroughbreds, quarter horses, warmbloods, etc. I liked them all, some were more suitable for my disclipline of choice (dressage) but they all were good at something.

    I have yet to find a breed I don't like, or any horse in particular. Like other people have stated, they all have their good qualities.

  22. Favorite Breed: APPALOOSA! I own one and he is the most stubborn, lovable, talented, opinionated horse I have ever known. I own a TB, but generally, I think they all look/act the same.

    Least Favorite Breed: ARABIAN. I think they're ugly and high-spirited. Also, most I have known were incredibly stupid. I guess I'm not a fan of those dished faces and their headset makes me cringe.. way too high and unnatural! Tails are ugly as h**l too.

  23. I guess since I have 2 QH, gelding and mare and 2 TW mares, mother and daughter I would have to be partial to those 2 breeds, although Saddle-bred is also nice.  But as someone else mentioned it all depends on the horse.  My one TW who is also a paint color can be real flighty sometimes and has more energy than I want to handle at times.  But overall my horses are all great with wonderful temperaments.

  24. To me it is not about the breed, it is about the horse.

    Edit: every horse is special in it's own way.  Not all arabs are going to be good eventers, and not all quarter horses are going to be good cow horses.  So I don't categorize them, because each horse is different.  You can take two horses of the same breed, and one might do really well with jumping, but the other might be good with cows.  I also think any horse can do any discipline, but only to the best of their ability.

    ****EDIT***:  S M ans Dawn J, OBVIOUSLY you guys have not been around many arabs.  The way a horse acts is mostly based on the way it has been handled.  AND S M, I will not take your word for it, because I have an arab who is very dependable.  And Dawn J, arabs are not stupid, they must just be too smart for you.  I am not trying to be mean, but you two have no idea what you are talking about.  When I read what you two said, I was very mad.  Yes some arabs can be flighty, but does that mean you should say all arabs are that way?  The answer is no.  Any horse can be flighty and tempermental, and every horse has their quirks.

  25. I love Quarter horses. My aunt has had four of them and I just connect with them for some reason. They're so nice and have a great personality.

    Also, Gypsy Vanner Horses are like.. my favorite in terms of looks. They're gorgeous!

    I generally dislike any type of Pony. They seem kind of useless to me.

    Or Arabians. They're kind of stuck up. :/

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