
Whats your favorite beer?

by  |  earlier

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my all time favorite beer is blue moon with an oarnge slice.

how many beers gets you smashed?




  1. Modelo negra

    depends on the mood

  2. I love amber bock  and it take about four for a buzz

  3. Paulaner..

    Who even remembers how many they've had before they get smashed? I sure didn't..

  4. i acutlay liek keystone, even tho its liek grade a **** haha

  5. Root beer.  gets me messed up

  6. Well I don't drink that much but when I do on occasion I like a Margarita but if I had to choose a Beer It would def be 'Tecate' with limes on the side! It's the best beer. Drink Responsibly!

  7. Fat Tire. or red trolly both great beers. sit heavy in the stomach personally i get full before tanked but will def have a good buzz rolling by then.


  9. vodka

  10. the cheapest 30 pack of the week

  11. mmh heineken or whatever less schneider

  12. well my favorite beer use to be Corona with lime and salt, but now i really like the budlight with lime.  Taste so great when its really cold

  13. tiger

  14. old style beer

  15. First off...Blue Moon is the worst example of a Belgian Witbier I've ever had the misfortune of drinking. Over-spiced to hide the fact that Coors uses inferior ingredients to make it. If you want some great Belgian Style Wits try Ommegang Witt, Allagash White, Hoegaarden or St Bernardus Blanche.

    Second, the best beer I've ever had Westlveteren 12...a Belgian Quadrupel. Wonderful flavors of sweet dried dark fruits and sour bready wheat. Rich malt and brown sugar/caramel. A glorious beverage and truly a gift from God, handed down to the monks of the St. Sixtus Abbey and passed along to us unworthy heathens.

    Third, standard 5% ABV beers...about six or so.

  16. Heinekin for s**z....  also really like Guiness.... and it takes me about 8 beer to get me good and tangly.

  17. wow I was going to say Blue Moon before I read the details.

    But my answer is still Blue Moon

  18. I'll drink pretty much anything that has an oarnge slice in it.

    They all do, save the non-alcoholic ones.

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