
Whats your favorite kind of horse and why?

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Im just wondering what kind of horse is your favorite and why. I soon want to get a horse and I have lots of exp.




  1. all breeds are good but my favorite would have to be the arabian becuase they are very pretty they have lots of speed and they can have many disiplines

  2. Andalusians - beauty, and grace they are just stunning i want one! haha

    paints - can do anything from english, to western, to trails, they can be gaited, make good show and family horses...They come in EVERY shape and size! and every color!  name one thing a paint can't do?!

    haflingers - a "dog" in a horses body

    Thoroughbreds's - they are one of the most un-understood breeds! i feel for them

    Poa's or appy's - so adorable and have the cutest coloring

    Quarter Horse's - you just gotta have  a good ole QH behind your back or you got nothing!

  3. Quarters



    Nothing works a cow better than these breeds. And, competing in cutting,reining, working cowhorse, and roping. I realy don't think there is a better animal out there for working cattle.

  4. well i LOVE Irish Draughts because i like big drafty looking heads , but don't really like the huge hooves

    but i sort of agree with riding with reins... i have recently fallen in love with a fjord and an appy... so breed doesn't totally matter

  5. I have a lot of favs but ny top three are the Quarter horse, The Mustang, and the Thoroughbred, they are all good breeds but the best is the QH cuz it's inteligent fast durable and more. The mustang I like cuz it has a alot of history behind it and it has almost all the same quatities of the QH and the TB cuz it's fast smart beautiful and more but you probly have your own opinion about all those breeds.

    Hope that helps

    ~*Sodapop Lover*~

  6. I really like Appaloosas because of their beautiful pattern but, when buying a horse it dosen't matter, you have to determine health issues and its personality. i also like Paints, Shetland Ponies, Arabians, and Clydesdale(even though i could never own one, too big)

  7. Thourobreed

  8. Breeds dont really matter much to me but I have a few favorites.

    Im big on the color of their coat and the height on the horse.

    I most like Chincoteague Ponies (adorable in pinto)

    Thoroughbreds (I like the bay ones) and I also like Quarter Horses in any color. :D

    Ive heard Missouri Fox Trotters have nice gaits. Like, their born with talent. :)

  9. Quarter Horses to me are the best horses. My horse is a Quarter horase and he is the most loyal horse I have been around. He has a great personality. and it sometimes funny,lol. All of the Quarter horses that I have been around are very intelligent. They are quick learners and very loyal to everyone. Great with kids to. They can do anything. My horse Does contesting,halter,jumping,trail riding,and anything else I want him to do. = )

  10. Definitely a Tennessee Walker!! - If you are experienced then you need to at least give a TW a chance -  If you know anyone who has one and knows how to ride them then please experience it.  

    I grew up on quarter horses and would never go back to one - granted they are great but TW are so smooth....and a wonderful animal. check out

  11. Appaloosa Mustang. (Appy color from Mustang Registry)

    Without the Spanish Colonial horse, there'd be NO QH, and therefore NO Paints.

    And a Paint can't out pull a Mule.

    Siempre Viva los Caballos d'Espana!

  12. I love Quarter horses. They are extremely versatile, calm, beautiful, sweet, and perfectly sized! Not to mention that since the horse market is flooded with QHs, you can get a nice one for not that much $.

  13. To me, the breed doesn't matter. I would choose a horse on its health, personality, and probably conformation. All horses are different, and have a different personality.

    But if were talking about which breed is my favorite look-wise, I think I would have to say Appaloosas because they are gorgeous, and I love the patterns on their coats.

    Good luck with your new horse

  14. Appaloosa-their personality and looks they also come in gaited

  15. I've got many as well.

    Quarter Horse








  16. The Quarter Horse is a beautiful and intelligent breed like any other, but it is known for its durability and strong build. Also they are very trainable. Most Quarter Horses have a good disposition (attitude) and can compete well in both Western and the English events although they are most common amoung the Western riding. The breed also has many color variaties. :) Another plus is the price range is suitable for most any budget.

  17. II have spent a lifetime with Morgan horses and would not choose any other breed. For me it is their outgoing personalities, their strength, their strong go forward work ethics, and of course their beauty.

    There are many "types" of Morgans but all are Morgans and all deserve the same respect.... Do your homework and figure out if the "Working Western" or "Government" or "Show" type Morgan is for you....

    I do not think that Morgans are for everyone as many times they can out think their riders but for someone looking for a bright, forward, lifetime partner who will go anywhere and do anything just to please... this is the breed for you....

  18. friesian, because ever since the first time i've seen them. . . just cause to me they're as close to perfect and have been around for a long time.

    next would be arabs, arab crosses, qh/tb, qh crosses. i prefer cross breed horses (except friesians.)

  19. Quarter Horse or

    Morgan (Those to are tied).

  20. i dont care as long as the horse doesnt misbehave and has smooth gaits. but my fav would hav 2 b the clydesdale or shire i luv how theyre so big

  21. To me the breed doesn't matter so much as:

    What the horse looks like

    How the horse acts


    Why the owner is selling the horse


    I currently have a Quarter Horse gelding, whom I adore! I would suggest Quarter Horses because they are good for any age group/level of riding, they can do anything from trail-riding to jumping, they are very pretty :D , and they are good steady mounts. Happy shopping!

  22. I love draft anything, the bigger the better



    Quarter Horses


    and my new Iberian Warmblood ")  hes 2 months old and huge.

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