
Whats your favorite kind of turtle?

by  |  earlier

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?? nikki, answer.. lol




  1. yellow bellied sliders

  2. snapping, they r good 4 revenge on the w***e that sits in front of u during Geometry

  3. I'm with cati k. My snapper and I have been together since he was a barely-mature tyke in 1965.

  4. Red eared sliders and sea turtles.  

  5. I like Red-Ear sliders cuz they are just normal and thats the way I like it :D

    I think sea turtles look cool but I never seen them b4 but they seem cool :D

    please help answer my question...


  6. I have a tortoise, an African Spur Thigh or Sulcata. They get to be very very big and live for a very long time. For the most part she is an investment. I will never have to buy a lawn mower in my entire life! You should look up some of them pictures online.

  7. the one with a shell

  8. I love my Sulcata Tortoise Shelby! I've had him for almost ten years. If I take good care of him, I don't have to worry about burying him, he can bury me.

    Sulcatas are very sweet animals and very curious about stuff. He gets along great with my family and cats. They take a lot of care and need lot's of room. They like attention too. Poops as much as a horse though, thankfully he has never gone in the house!

  9. any type of map turtle

  10. red ear slider they're the best you will really love them take them to places but the can grow up to 1 feet but still they are adorable that's my red ear slider on the bottom

  11. Umm the Turtle kind? Cute ones that eat lots of lettuce lol

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