
Whats your favorite of these 3 movies?

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i rented 3 movies this weekend Blood diamond,the Departed and No country for old men.i saved No country for old men until last because i heard how great is was and was really expected an awesome movie,it was very good but i thought the other two were better ,i might have liked the Departed slightly better than Blood diamond but both were top notch.whats your opinion if you seen these shows?




  1. 1. The Departed

    2. No Country For Old Men

    3. Blood Diamond

  2. the departed had much better acting and was overall a better film basically because of the directing genius of martin scorsese who is a lock for a nomination for best director on every movie he makes. it obviously taes top notch for me. then comes no country for old men, but honestly there will be blood was a much better movie than that. and therefore 3rd is blood diamond


  4. departed all the way. hated ncfom! blood diamond was ok.

  5. Blood Diamond is awesome. great Movie

    IMO No Country For Old Men fails. The Ending was just ignorant and made zero sense.

    And The Departed is the Suckzorness. What a botch of a Gangster Movie..Ugh.

  6. I've only see Blood diamond, and I liked it.  

  7. Yeah,The Departed is better than Blood Diamond.

    No country is better than Departed though,althoug I was expecting something even better. still,good movie

  8. Couldn't agree more.  All three are great movies (although the ending of NCFOM is a bit disappointing), and I list them in the same order: 1.Departed  2. Blood Diamond  3.NCFOM

  9. Departed was really good. I tried to watch No Country but since it starts off so quiet, it didn't hold my attention, but I will rent it again and give it another shot.  Haven't see Blood Diamond.  So its Departed for me as of now.  

  10. never seen or heard either of em

  11. The Departed

    Blood Diamond

    No Country for Old Men

  12. The only one of them I've seen is Blood Diamond, which is a great movie.

  13. The Departed, definitely. It's one of those movies I can watch over and over.

  14. I have not seen the first 2.

    I rented "No country for old men" and being a HUGE fan of the Coen Bros. - I DID enjoy it

    HOWEVER - I don't see why it won the Best Picture.

    2 other movies - Michael Clayton & There Will Be Blood were more deserving IMO.

    and Tom Wilkinson from Michael Clayton gave the Performance of the Year ( However - I have no complaints about Daniel Day-Lewis -- He was definitely off-the-hook, Intense !! )


  15. BLOOD DIAMOND for sure.

    "Even in bad world, good things are done by people everyday, just apparently not by you."


  16. no country for old men is easily the best, the departed is the most watchable. blood diamond comes last in all categories. the only reason people didnt like no country for old men was because it was slow and seemingly had very little story. both are true. but if you just dig a little you will find a movie that perfectly captures the mood of the times, and a great depiction of the harshness and cynicism of the modern world, and the way fate dictates our lives. put it this way, its not just a crime movie, which is basically what departed is. it is the type of movie you have to hava the patience to watch and think about afterwards, because it is one of those arty movies that the oscars love so much. but there is a lot there if you just take the time to consider it. the departed is the most watchable tho because of the great twists and suspense, but beyond that its just a standard thriller, and not a particularly special one. its enjoyable but no way did it deserve to win best picture. there are better movies coming out all the time. if you want to watch the best movie of that year, watch pan's labyrinth. it is gripping and far more original and special than the departed. there are very few people who watch that movie and dont love it

  17. No Country For Old Men is amazing! It definetely deserved Best Motion Picture. The book is awesome too. The storyline, action, actors, and setting are all top-notch. Trust me, after you watch No Country For Old Men you'll regret renting it and not buying it instead.

  18. the departed :)


  19. The Departed I Guess { Even Tho Its Ending Sucked } I Never Saw Blood Diamond And No Contry For Old Men Sucked

  20. no country for old men

    the departed

    blood diamond

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