
Whats your favorite part of a thunderstorm? It's thunder storming here ;]]]?

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Well, like lightning, Thunder, hard rain, the light after rain, dark clouds, high winds!, power outages, storm turning into Tornados!!!!!!

Whats the worst storm you have been in?!

I love the severe weather when the electricity goes out!!!




  1. Lightening is fun to look at.

  2. The skies, the heavy rain, large hail, loud thunder..and even tornadoes (as long as it doesn't pose a threat to me or others). Simply everything.

    Honestly the stronger the storm the better!

  3. Lots of things!

    -when youre in class or something, it starts thunderstorming and you hear someone scream...

    -when it shakes!

    -watching the lights across the sky

    -counting how many miles it is away

    -when the power goes out

    -listening to the rain against the windows

    -When the next day everyone's talking about it

    I dont think there is a worst storm ive been in.....probably the ones where the power goes out!

  4. the thunder, lightning flashes and crackling, dark clouds, high winds, but no rain, i really dont like rain or hail. i like the summer thunderstorms

  5. I looooooove inclement weather.  I use to love it as a kid when my family would light candles around the house whenever the lights went out.

    I also love when it's storming at night, the sound of rain and the wind blowing through the trees, the sporatic flashes of light and the ominous boom that really is the best cuddle/love making weather

    I live in Louisiana and the hurricanes here are plenty, I have lived here all my life (24 years in a few months) and I went through katrina and rita...andrew in 1990...and many other smaller hurricanes.  I know lots is lost in them and many lives are ruined, but I still can't get over the power of hurricanes and how majestic they are

  6. I just like long hard rain with no thunder or lightning.  I like it all day.  I stay in my pajamas and just read a book and watch the weather on TV.

    Worst storm:

    Up at the cabin- up north.  Rolling storm clouds and people screaming at me to run to the neighbors house where there is a basement.  I grab the dog and run with her to the neighbors house.  I am the first one.  Look back and see half funnel cloud.  Huge heavy block in front of door.  Kick as hard as I can.  Run inside.  Sky black.  Can't see.  Power out.  Run around house with dog looking for door to basement in the dark.  Grab door.  Can't see down steps.  Very steep steps.  Make it to back room in dark- cement.  Others come.  High winds.  Someone turns power on.  Stand in room.  Come up fifteen minutes later.  Hard rain.  Three people go out.  They go back to house.  One comes back for two others and me.  Leave and go home.


    A storm hits us and we run to the basement with the dogs.  I huddle on the floor by a dead mouse.  Sound of train but it's not a tornado.  Go upstairs.  You can't see the street because it's covered with hail.  Below that, there are green leaves.  The trees have been stripped of all of their leaves.  Up the street people are having parties and barbeques.  It hasn't even rained there.

    Best storm:

    I was 11.  We are under a severe thunderstorm warning and in the kitchen near the basement.  The power goes out.  Trees fall down outside.  We don't go upstairs to bed, we all fall asleep on the living room floor.  Before that, we sat together listening to the radio and talking and laughing.  

    I loved that.

    I love storms.

  7. I love the's definately the best part!!! Especially when it knocks stuff over!!!

  8. i love the lighting i think that is neat how it lights up the sky,,

    i have been in one where we came close to a tornado high winds hail rain so you couldn;t see where you were going ,

  9. Oh boy my fav part is when the skies get all dark and windy right before it storms. i USED to love real strong storms, but i live in Iowa and as you know we had major flooding. so really i am not such a fan of the real huge storms, esp power outages. As for tornado's, well my friend lost her whole house to a tornado in Iowa. I do not and would not ever like tornado's.

  10. it is thunder storming here too.  I dont mind the thunder but I am terrified of the lightning,

  11. Go outside and play..Love storms..thunder and lighting..incredible energy in the air..gotta love that

  12. i love the rain and the lightning shows!!!!

    i love it when i falling asleep and its storming.

    also when your in school and the power goes out!

  13. I miss thunderstorms.  we don't really get them here in southern California.  in fact i miss rain in general.  I like the lightening and the sound of rain on the window, all of it.

  14. The really loud rolling thunder that makes the windows shake. :D

  15. i love the whole part!!!!

    its a bonus if the power goes out and its dark

    love it when its dark and u see teh lightning

  16. I love it when you're outside and you run when it starts downpouring. I was in my =reehouse with my friend and it started flooding inside from the winds!

  17. wow ur crazy!! theyre scary!! lol

    but everytime before a thunderstorm i love going outside and you can just feel a storm coming, like the calm before the storm you, it just feels really cool i think, lol

    and i love how dark it gets, pretty eerie :)

  18. I LOVE thunderstorms I know it sounds totally wacked out but there awwsomee!!! I love getting into my warm pj's and watch my favorite movies while eating popcorn and hot cocoa. :) the worst thunder storm i have been in was in the summer time. My dad, grandmother and I were off to by an airconditioner for my grandmother. Unfortunetly our car was old and was nott worcking properly. To our surprise the win shield wipers stopped worcking while we were in the middle of the highway!!! =O. We were terrified due to the fact we could see absolutelyy nothing. To make matters worst it started to hail. We ended up having to wait until night time and head back home... What a dayy!


    AIR,I love it

  20. i just love it.

    the fact that nature at its best is actually at its worst.

    it's absolutely amazing.

  21. I like the lightening. My favorite part is when you're like looking out your front screen door, and then lightening strikes and for a split second the whole outside, that would normally be pitch dark, lights up. Then it's back to dark. I think that's so cool and it never ceases to amaze me. I always feel so safe in storms. It's strange I know, because you'd think one would be scared, but rain all around me makes me feel like safe and it makes my house seem like such a good shelter.

    I always secretly hope the electricity will go out.. I can count on one hand the number of times it's gone out where I live, though. Unfortunate.

  22. I like the clean smell.  After a storm passes, the air smells so much fresher.

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