
Whats your favorite poem? ?

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I have to say what's my favorite poem for english class- problem is I really don't any. I want to find out what kind of poems other people like. Please try to list things that are easy to understand.




  1. T is so much joy from Emily Dickinson  

  2. The one I haven't written yet.

  3. i know this is a generic answer but my favorite is the raven by Edgar Allan Poe  

  4. Another generic answer, but Dylan Thomas - "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night," although I don't like most of his work. I like most of T.S. Eliot's stuff, but it's not easy to understand. I also like most of William Blake's poetry, and I've always like "The Sick Rose" for some reason.

  5. "We sit round a ring and suppose, but the secret sits in the middle and knows."  Robert Frost

  6. Razors pain you

    rivers are damp

    acids stain you

    drugs cause cramp

    guns aren't lawful

    nooses give

    gas smells awful

    you might as well live.

    I also love "The Lady of Shallot"

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