
Whats your favorite quote(s), saying(s) or song lyric(s)?

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i just wanna know urs.....




  1. The time has come to be true to yourself

    Stop chasing dreams made for somebody else

    Deep inside there's a winner it's true

    In you

    These lyrics are from "Jump to the Rhythm" by Jordan Pruitt

    I love these lyrics because it just reminds me of good things and this is the only song that makes me happy!

  2. "Superman dat hoe "

  3. to be or not to be


    and a lot others wut  urz?

  4. "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow." - Anonymous

  5. The pen is mightier than the sword and considerably easier to write with.

    Allah asked you to die for him to show how much you love him, Jesus died for you.

    The reasonable man shapes himself to fit the world, the unreasonable man shapes the world to fit him, therefore progress is up to the unreasonable man.

    Youth is wasted on the young.

    Half our lives are ruined by our parents, the other half by our children.

    It is better to keep quiet and let everyone think you are a fool, than to open your mouth, and prove it.

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