
Whats your favorite thing to do when your alone?

by  |  earlier

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Dont get to graphic:)




  1. Read

  2. Just kick off my shoes and Relax...take a break from the  outside world.

  3. Enjoy it-- it doesn't happen often, and when it does, it's blissful.

  4. Hii x

    I like reading,, watching T.V,,Going on my Laptop,, eating lol.. Do whatever you like doing! If u hav a trampoline you can go on that!

    Hope I have helped

    X-Lozzie Loo-X

  5. sleeping!

  6. play with my wascally wabbit.

  7. Read, eat, take a nap, clean, make popcorn and watch a movie or Lifetime.

  8. daydream ... virtual travel ... read ...

  9. Anything

  10. Usually I do homework because otherwise I am distracted.  Other than that I don't really like to be alone.

  11. I enjoy doing Yahoo!Answers when I am alone.

    As far as Dining Out, I like to have Taco Bell's Double Decker Tacos with lots of Mild Sauce.  I usually eat them in front of the PC while on Y!A.

  12. Take a nap, do chores, or organize.

  13. Listen to s*x songs on my mp3 and sing.

  14. watch a movie without interuption

  15. i like to go to the movies alone..  you can see any movie you want, sit where you want..  no one makes fun of you if you sneak in food..  I went last night actually..  saw Forgetting Sarah Marshall, it was good.

    I also like to spend my alone time streched out on my bed with a good book, a throw blanket and maybe my dog cuddled next to me.

  16. watch TV go on my computer and be barefoot

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