
Whats your favorite thing to take pictures of??

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Whats your favorite thing to take pictures of outside in the summer?? Thanks!!




  1. Water.  Rivers mostly because then you catch the rapids.  But I also like to take pictures of nature in general.   Once I get a job I plan to go get a wildlife stamp so I can go out and try to get some decent pictures of Colorado wildlife.  Other than that, honestly whatever strikes my eye when I happen to have my camera nearby.

  2. I rarely deviate from still life, as doing portraits makes me nervous.

    My favorite thing to shoot is probably flowers. But there are only so many interesting angles for that sort of thing, you know?  

  3. I love taking pictures at the beach.  

  4. people, animals, and flowers

  5. nature, in general, but especially landscapes, wildlife, and macros (floral and insect)

  6. My kids playing. Their facial expressions. I look at some of my pictures of my kids playing and it makes me feel young again.

  7. flowers! i love taking pictures of nature and entering them in photo contests! :D

  8. my cat , spiders , food .  

  9. street photography and flowers.

  10. The grandchildren!  Other than them, my favorite subjects are landscapes and dilapidated old structures, and rustic old things.

  11. Sunsets, flowers, animals.

    Please view my photography website

    Thank You


  12. Sunsets, flowers, animals, nature

  13. small creatures and insects

  14. sunsets

  15. Action, people and mountains

  16. most people would say themselves

  17. Portraits And Wildlife.

    Portraits, every time of the year. I especially like wildlife in the summer because some wildlife isn't around in other parts of the year, such as bees, and other photographic marvels.

  18. Right now I'm doing a nightly recording of the sunset over the mountains of west Oahu (Hawaii).

    I've always loved photographing sunsets and sunrises.

    With these, I don't even have to leave my (temporary) apartment.  I simply set the camera up on a tripod on the lanai. Then - since I'm usually fixing dinner at this time - walk back and forth between the kitchen and the lanai, capturing any dynamic change that catches my fancy.

    I've been doing this for almost two months and still have a month to go before I return home to Florida.  So I'm going to have a huge collection to sort through for a few final images that are worthy of big prints and, hopefully, a few sales.

    There are a couple of examples here:

  19. Blue sky's  

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