
Whats your favorite type of (pet) fish????

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Whats your favorite type of (pet) fish????




  1. Well i have lots of favorites:

    Freshwater: guppies, platies, blue cobalt zebra cichlids, neon tetras, plecos, oscars, cories, mollies, red tailed shark

    saltwater: Jawfish, banagaii cardinals, clownfish, tangs, starfish, seahorse, mardinfish, hermit crabs

  2. I love rummy nose tetras. =]

    I'm not really sure why though, but they seem cute to me and I love how they look in schools.

  3. So far, cories. Paradish fish come in at a close second.

    I love the way the cories are constantly searching, stirring everything up, bugging the pleco. They are so hyper, and cuddly! I never thought I would say that about fish. But I'll come home, and all 5 cories are "sitting" on the pleco. He didn't take to it much at first, but doesn't seem to mind anymore.

  4. Those black goldfish with big eyes that are popping out.

  5. black convicts are cool. i also like the black ghost knife fish..i think they are called

  6. foxface rabbitfish. i don't own any, but i've seen them in fish stores. they're so cute! also, baby niger triggerfish. i love the way they wiggle their fins when they move.

  7. i like clown fish.

    there cut

  8. A gold fish

  9. My favorite is the male betta, I also lile all kinds of gouramis, my favorite is paradise fish (or gourami).

  10. my favorite fish in my tank currently is my bristlenose pleco. he's just cool to watch.

  11. Well, I have many favorites, but one of the fish that I had recently bought is fast becoming my favorite, it is a Clown Loach, he is very active and beautiful. He resembles a long Tiger Barb with a unusual mouth. I have read that when Clown Loaches are happy they make this "clicking" sound, I have yet to hear this as he is to immature at this point to be able to click loud enough for me to hear him. I'm patiently waiting though.  

  12. I've had piranhas for the last two years, and the are the coolest fish i've ever had.  

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