
Whats your favorite war time spy story from either world war I or world war 2?

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robert c....whats so great? from some stories I have read, these people took major risks and had balls. To get parachuted down in n**i occupied france and to join the insurgency against the n***s etc..... great great stories....try reading some of them.




  1. Mata Hari. WW1.

  2. You want a spy story from war, get a BOOK and learn to spell.

  3. I don't know about spying, but I love the story of the codes.  Our military was in trouble because the Germans were showing a great talent in breaking codes, thus endangering missions throughout the war zone.  So, they located some American Indians, I forget which tribe, and from that moment, the Indians used their language in the messages.  Since no one else...not even Americans...understood the Native American languages, these Codes could not be understood or broken by the enemy.

    It was a brilliant idea and helped win World War II.

  4.   "The Man Who Never Was"  This is a story based on actual British intelligence during WW II.

    In an effort to plant false information that the n**i's would fall for, British intelligence devised a scheme that would convince the n**i's that what they found was like finding pay dirt.

    They  took a corpse of a young man who had died of natural causes, dressed him in a British Commando uniform.  Planted documents on him, suggesting the next activity the British wanted the n**i's to know about.  They then took the corpse up in an airplane, tied a parachute to the corpse, and pushed it out of the airplane, in the dead of night.

    Meteorologists had told them where to release the corpse so that it would easily be found by the n**i's, and it was.  The n**i's were skeptical at first, even to the point that they autopsied the body, found no conclusive evidence that this was not a hoax, and ate the scam hook, line, and sinker !

  5. What`s so great about spies?

  6. There are some great stories of Russian women getting information from German High Command and how misused that information was.

    There are some interesting tales about the equipment engineers came up with for Wild Bill Donovan and the OSS.

    I guess my favorite is really about a German American who went to Germany when the US started rounding up Germans and tossing them into concentration camps.  He found out what was really going on with the slave labor camps and tried to get information to the US.  The US didn't believe him.

    The guy died in Vietnam fighting in the French Foreign Legion.

    It was a story of US bureaucratic incompetence.  I wish I had a source for you.

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