
Whats your favorite2010 world cup host Stadium? Dont miss to answer!?

by  |  earlier

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  1. PE, Durbs and Cape Town all look fab! I think PE is my favourite though and hopefully building such a grand stadium will uplift the area. I met an American the other day who is going to SA for 2010. It made me feel so proud to hear how excited he was to be going and all the other things he was looking forward to seeing and doing.

  2. Cape Town all the way

  3. I will go for PE, Capetown and then Durban. Do you guys think that these new stadiums will be a long term investment and that some will become 'white elephants'? I do not hope so.

  4. Cape Town wins hands down!!

    I just love it, thanks.

  5. Will have to be Cape town.

  6. The art of 2 looks African and great. I also like 3, 4, 9  and 6 looks good too, however, 1, 5, 7, 9 seemingly the mayors were sleeping, and forgot to choose the best.

  7. My choice:

    1.  Cape Town

    2.  Port Elizabeth

    3.  Durban

  8. Yeah the PE one. Lise is right thats just a lake, and the area is not too fancy either. . .

  9. The P. E. one looks really fantastic

  10. The last one Port Elizabeth...........but there is nothing like that yet for the water, that is not the sea, it is the North End Lake and many dead bodies have been found in there, so please if you come, do not go for a swim in there!

  11. Its a toss between PE & Durbs.They are fabulous!

  12. The Durban one. Its the 4th one on Your pictures there.

    But Soccer City your first one is going to be gigantic.

    92 000.

    I am looking forward to to next Year.

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