
Whats your favourite chess opening?

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  1. Ruy Lopez is versatile but your opponent is also playing a familiar game.  For very serious players its versatility is great as the opponent will be comfy with anything and for beginners it should be played until you know it well.  I prefer to get my opponent into his middle game as early as possible while I'm still nearly automatically involved in an opening game.

    As white i often play Queens Gambit. Accepted or declined, I'm comfortable either way.

    For the black side, I really enjoy the Hungarian defense where my knights are seemingly just running around being attacked without any opportunity for my positional development. Then Bam!  I'm attacking right up the middle.  Alas you hardly ever get to play this game; and it's pretty risky.

  2. Sometimes, I like 'dinamic' but solid openings: French Defense with black pieces or Evans Gambit with white; but I prefer that ones wich tends to create a solid pawns structure and lends me manouver with pieces. I'm a fan of the theories of Niemzowith and the play style of Petrosian. Yes, he don't seem brilliant, but his play is planty of good ideas: it was  really difficult to win him for a piece bad placed or a wise point. Then, I like that openings where I can stablish a pawn structure and had time to put my Pieces according my idea.

    Answering you, I like cosed systems of King Indian with the two colours, the Change System of Queen Gambit with whites or, with the two colours, Niemzowitch -3. e5, ...- or Winawer Variants in the French. Are safe firstly and very rich after. You have had seen I'm a possitional player.

    Excuses for my bad English and possible differences in the names of Openings.

    Your question liked me. Woul'd we  played in the future? :-)

  3. Fool's Mate.

    Nothing like doing something dumb to see if they're dumber.

  4. well for either side I usually play a very defensive opening.  I dont think anybody consistently opens up like this so there isnt a real name for it.

    I usually open up with the Pawn in front of the kings side knight, move him up one space.  Then move the knight to the edge of the board beside that pawn, then move the bishop behind the pawn.  From there I castle Kings side, and develop the Queens side from there.

    Usually it works, all of my pieces stay protected on the kings side, and I can usually mount a strong attack from the queen's side.

    Ocassionaly i open with the Kings pawn.  thats if im feeling agressive.

  5. I have a few favorites. I generally like the Italian for white (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3. Bc4 Bc5) because it's a positional, strategical opening. This is usually best for tournament games where time controls are 60 or 90 minutes. It allows for deep calculations, if necessary.

    Generally, for white in blitz (5 minute games) I like to play the Queens gambit accepted/declined or, depending on what Black plays, it could be the Slav or semi-slav. This starts out with 1.d4 d5 2.c4 and black can take the pawn (Queens gambit accepted) or defend his own with either e6 (Queens gambit declined) or c6 (slav).

    For Black, the sicilian is generally good against 1.e4, though most of the sicilian variants are sharp, tactical lines. It's also good because it keeps the game a little unbalanced. Failing that, you generally have to respond to white's moves in the opening as black, because there are certain correct responses. If you study chess deeply, you see they all have a reason, as well.

  6. It would have to be something attacking as I think the best form of Attack is Defense and you must take pieces to win. I normally push my knights and queen out early and later on in the game , bring out the rooks. I don't really use my Bishops as they are more of a hindrance than help.

  7. Ruy Lopez Opening.

    very versatile.

  8. The English (why? my tournament record with it is 59-21 with 12 draws).  I eventually became a master, but I started playing it when I was a C player.

  9. Kings Gambit

    1 e4 e5

    2 f4

    I find i am usually better prepared then my opponents

  10. As white I tend to play 1.e4 which lets Black decide the game pretty much (he can respond with a plethora of chess defenses).  As Black I prefer the Korchnoi variation of the Caro-Kann defense. (1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 dxe4 4.Nxe4 Nf6 5.Nxf6 exf6). It serves to bring the opponent out of book almost immediately as there is very little opening theory from this point and is a good alternative to the mainline (4. ... Bf5).

    against 1.d4 I play the King's Indian defense (1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7)... which isn't for the faint of heart. Players as white tend to dislike the King's Indian because they don't understand the power of the 'Indian bishop' on g7. While it appears at first glance that the Bishop is a glorified pawn it actually exerts latent pressure in the center and on other squares along the diagonal.

    Deciding on a chess opening repertoire is very difficult. The best players in the world frequently change their opening choices. While I have precious little in common with the best players in the world I do have some chess teaching experience. What I've found is that every player, no matter how much they want to play a specific opening, should learn a little about every opening they can. That way, when comes time to decide what opening moves to make you can make an educated choice instead of, 'it's what I always play'.

  11. with the white pieces I open my games with 1.d4

    with the black pieces I like 1.......c5 against 1.e4

    and against 1.d4,I like to use the KID(1......Nf6,g6,bg7,d6)

  12. it would be the move where you move the pawn in front of the queen first.

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