
Whats your favourite language and favourite country?

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Whats your favourite language and favourite country?




  1. Germany and my favorite language is Italian

  2. Language? Umm..Chinese. :)

    Country..Canada..I Wanna Go To Canada. Lol :D

  3. My favorite language is English because its easy,good and it is a magic... I like Australia particularly Perth..

  4. I have lived all over Europe and North America.. and I loved the South of France. Would go back in a heartbeat...

    As for language, I think Italian is beautiful and expressive.

  5. Favorite language would be Italian. I just love the way it sounds. My favorite country would be Peru. I love the way it's so mystical and beautiful. I read about it in socialtravellersite (dot com) and it was breathtaking.

  6. language: english, at least i dont struggle withe this one...

    country: japan, good food :)

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