
Whats your favourite place were you go on holiday ?

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Whats your favourite place were you go on holiday ?




  1. Las Vegas. Been there twice now and thinking of going there again next year. The only downside is the 11 hour flight.

  2. Sunny Beach, Bulgaria

  3. Walt Disney World, Florida!  It has everything so is like several vacations in one!

  4. If you just want a nice relaxing peaceful holiday then for me and the wife it's Kefalonia. We have been three times and recommended it to our friends who have taken our advice and gone there. All came back satisfied. One amusing fact is that everyone who lives on the island tells you that they had some connection with the film "Captain Correlli's mandolin"

    They either starred in it or served the stars who starred in it in their bars or restaurants.

  5. Bohol

  6. I've always enjoyed London.  Getting around is very easy.  So much to see and do.  You get a mix of centuries old history and at the same time there are many modern things at the same time.

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