
Whats your favourite pokemon?

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Whats your favourite pokemon?




  1. gyrados

    love it

  2. Snorlax!

    Has a ton of hp, can learn almost any move, (except fly) has excellent defense; and is adorable!  

  3. Corsola.

    Because its really cute (and has a nice voice) and have water and rock type. Its powers are cool, too. It's color is pink and have a nice attitude!!!

  4. Arcanine for sure. Love fire and all fire Pokemon. But Arcanine owns. And its just a great looking Pokemon ;D

  5. Tyranitar and dragonite are the best.The can beat almost any other pokemon.

  6. Gengar

  7. How Could I Pick Just One !!

    Here's My List :} :

    Charmander - Best Starter Pokemon Ever !

    Munchlax - Strong Pokemon , Great In The Tv Series And Cute !

    Espoin - Best Physic Type Pokemon

    Blastiod - Ace Moves

    Budew - Dunno Why Just Love It L0L !

  8. Charmander :)

    because when Charmander first appeared in the Pokemon serie it was loyal to it's (dumb/jerk) master who left it there by itself and then it was just soo cute :)

    and plus look at it's cute Behavior


    Charmander is easily the most mild-mannered of its evolution line. Its health and emotions can be easily read by paying attention to the flame on the tip of its tail. For example, if the flame grows suddenly, the Charmander is probably angered, and perhaps even using a Rage attack. It is scarce in the wild. Most are domestic Pokémon, raised to be distributed as starters by Professor Oak. As such, they are regarded as well-behaved Pokémon. It is often regarded as the most difficult Pokémon to start with because it has a disadvantage against the first two Gym Leaders in Kanto (Brock and Misty).

    There are some who choose it anyway under the impression that it is stronger than Bulbasaur or Squirtle. However, while a Charmander can certainly grow to be a very powerful Pokémon, its strength in battle is very closely connected to its condition and health. Therefore, like a real fire, it must be tended to regularly and not strained or neglected. Most trainers shouldn't have a problem with this, though impatient ones who expect it to be very strong right off the bat will have severe difficulty raising this Pokémon. In Charmander the Stray Pokémon, a trainer named Damian abandoned his completely because of this. They are also stubbornly loyal. In that same episode, Charmander wouldn't move from the rock, because Damian told it to wait. Ash had to carry it because it refused to move, even in the rain.  

  9. Lugia!!!

  10. pikachu!


  11. ODDISH.


  12. eve






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