
Whats your favourite tropical fish???????

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Hey i just wanna know what your favourite tropical fish is

just put down which one, why and if you have any how many

thanks XD




  1. i love guppies because they are so beautiful i have 6 of them and about 4 of them are pregnant so :)

  2. I love goldfish. I have two fancy telescoped eyed goldfish. And I love my midas cichlid, Saffron. I also have some little tetra's in a 10 gallon tank that I don't know personally.

  3. guppies!they are adorable and i have 2 of them  

  4. i have a huged 116 gallons tank so i have many favourtes but my best fish would be "fire mouth chiclid and the green terror chiclid"i love theres fish because they are amazing to watch swim up and down lol.:)

  5. Panda corys  or Corydoras Panda

    They are soo cool  i have 7

    3 are ones i have successfully bred

    i hope to get more

  6. Tiger Oscars, because they have a personality and an IQ . I have two.

  7. My favorite tropical fish is a discus. They need special care to live. I have two Turquoise Snakeskin Discus. There are many varieties of discus. My discus are exotic. They are BEAUTIFUL fish that have wonderful personalities. They love to be talked to and will rush up to the side of the tank just to listen to you. They will eat right out of my hand. My discus are almost five years old and are doing great.  

  8. Humuhumunukunukuapua'a, Hawaii state fish. I live in Hawaii. The end.

  9. i think these are saltwater fish but puffer fish and triggers. my bof had a beautiful tank yeArs ago and the fish were like £200 a time. he also had a gorgeous blue and green eel

  10. Piranhas, because they strike fear in the hearts of most and they command respect

  11. Hello Mike. My favourite is the Powder Blue Dwarf Gourami. Their colour is mesmerizing, they have a wonderfully laid-back personality and they swim so gracefully.I know that they are more prone to bacterial infections and constipation, but I simply keep my water quality excellent and fast them for one day, then feed them cooked, shelled (and squished) peas the next. I have a male and a female. My male calmly eats from my hand. I love my "Blue Boy"!

  12. Its a tough call, All fish are beautiful to those of us who appreciate their form.  Though if I had to pick one I would agree with Marcus the Tiger Oscar is the most amazing they are intelligent (for a fish) and they can be tamed mine will take prawns and bloodworm from my fingers.  Catfish too are special creatures. d**n too many to pick from...

  13. guppies! i love them! they are so colourful, i have 1 of them (it has killed all the others that i bought to be friends with him)

    i also love cory catfish, because they are really calm and interesting to watch. i have 3 of them! :)

  14. might sound strange but ive always love plecos so man types i know they are boring now but when ur a kid they are amazing a fish that sucks and grows huge and is hard as rock and they just look mega kool i have 3 of different sizes but since i started keeping fish in the last 2 years i havehad dojo loaches and they have pretty much replaced the pleco they r fantasic and friendly they have personality and are just fun fish

  15. Hmm where do i get started i absolutely love guppies. They are very colorful and breed easily i have all different types so when they breed the babies have many different colors in them. I have 6 adults 2 young adults who just got there grown up fishy parts. and about 130 babies. my friends does the same thing and she has 7 adults and 56 babies. my sister just has one adult guppy because I forced to take one of mine :P.


  16. The Bala Shark they are so Unique and so graceful you can't help to be memorized bye them

  17. Amongst my many fish I have a shoal of 7 Bleeding Heart Tetras in my community tank and they would have to be my favourites, they are not the most colourful of fish but quite active when feeding and stay tightly shoaled most of the time. Nice sized fish, not to small nor too big.

    I have 2 adult gold gouramis both males unfortunately and I think of all the pretty smaller fish, tetras mainly, that I will be able to have in their place when they pop off to fishy heaven.  

  18. well i will have to say the torpedo barb (denisonni)  the colouring on these fish is amazing and when in a shoal like i have looks just like looking in a river in the wild, i have 13 by the way, they are from indian rivers and now are quite rare, to buy good quality little ones of about an inch long costs between 14-15 pounds, full grown adults cost in region of 60-80 each, thats alot for a barb haha

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