
Whats your feelings on 2012?

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Some how people think or belive that the world will end on December 12 2012, evidence shows from the ancient myans made a calender that ended on this date. Nasa explained it would be a trillion mile wide black hole that will suck our universe in. Me im kinda neutral on it but hearing it over and over kinda makes you want to beleive. Whatever happens i know im just gonna be on my porch with my sister and her boyfriend smoking pot. thats how im gonna go out.




  1. No Human can tell when the world ends only God can u all can remember all dat mumbo jumbo if u want....

  2. the world is screwed and if that is it than dont wory just keep doing what makes you happy, but if it dosnt than keek on keeping on.

  3. So it is 2012 now.  I will be 54.  I have been hearing this for as long as I can remember. The world will end in 1970, 71,72, 73 , 80, 81 , 82 , the mellinium etc, you get the picture.

    When it happens it will happen and no-one can predict that. Does it scare me, no. We are all going to die, so I just hope it is one big bang and it is overwith in a blink of an eye.

  4. What I think about 2012?

    I think that there are too many people who are knowingly keeping the lie alive by pretending to ask innocent questions about it (and peppering their questions with lies).

    The Mayans did NOT make a calendar that ends (on any date).  They used a long count calendar that has cycles of (approximately) 5160 years -- one fifth of the precession cycle.  On December 21 2012, the next long count begins.

    The fact that they used a different counting scheme as ours makes it easier for hoaxers to confuse people about their calendar ending.  In reality, the "12" in front gets changed to a "13" and all the other numbers get reset to zero.  And the next long count begins.

    NASA never said anything about a black hole sucking in the universe because they know that black holes do not suck in anything (no more than any mass can 'suck in' anything).  However, there are lots of hoaxers who will say that "NASA says this"  or "scientists have proven that"  just to make their lies sound more credible.

    The Mayan people used a common calendar just like we use a common calendar.  Their year began on the day of the winter solstice, which was the usual date in most Northern European civilizations before the Roman armies (and later the Church) spread out the Roman calendar that we now use.

    Astronomers (and astrologers, same thing in those days) were the ones using the Long Count calendar, in the same way (and for the same reason) as our astronomers use what we call the Julian Day calendar.

    They described astronomical events that will take place after the year we call 2012.  They wrote the date using their Long Count calendar.

    Obviously they expected neither the world nor their calendar to end.

  5. the world is told to be only half of its life span. it is 4.6 billion years old (or was it million) so it cannot end then. that is not true.

  6. if it does happen just be right with GOD

  7. Wow, what a sad way to go. Personally, I don't believe that..could happen though. I guess we will have to wait and see.

  8. I hope not, i graduate in 2012 so ill only be 18 and there is so much out there that i want to discover, but i don beleive in al that stuff.According to the bible, no man knows the date nor hour when the world shall come to the end.

  9. NASA has not made any comments on 2012.  There's no science behind it, and NASA does not have the time (budget) or inclination to argue.  The "Face on Mars" incident taught them that.

    So 12/12/12 is Gregorian calendar numerology. The world also didn't end on 2/2/2.  The Mayan calendar flips over in 2012, but there are no Mayans left to flip it.  The Gregorian calendar flipped over from 1999 to 2000.  We're still here.

    Black holes aren't invisible.  If there were one coming in four years, there's a good chance we'd have detected it by now.  In the local interstellar medium, a black hole would emit xrays.  The Swift satellite would probably have picked it up.  There is no evidence for one.

    Some of the other claims include a "planet x", Nibiru, that is suppose to strike the Earth in 2012. I'd have seen such an object in my telescope by now.  Or one of the other millions of amateur astronomers.  Or one of the sky surveys looking for asteroids.  Really, there's no Nibiru as described.

    Do i need feeling about this?  No.  Except that this question comes up several times a day.  I'm getting bored by it.

    In 2013, the year 2012 will be known as the year that the world didn't end.  There are an astounding number of years that the world was predicted to end but didn't.  So it won't be unusual.  Want to make 2012 an interesting year?  Start a big project that you might be able to finish by then.  Then it will be the year of your amazing project!

  10. Blake -

    Looks like they succeeded. You see, the entire point of the folks pushing this nonsense is to entertain or frighten - not to learn or inform. In your case and in thousands of others, they have almost reached their goal. Now if they could just spark your interest enough to send in a small donation to cover their expenses .... Fortunately, you asked the question prior to reaching THAT stage. Many do not.

    There is NO evidence - NONE - that supports these silly assertions. The date has been associated with everything from galactic alignment (the same as it's been twice per year for the last several centuries) to Nibiru collisions (there is NO evidence for the existence of Nibiru) to changes in the way the earth spins on its axis (impossible in accordance with Newton's Laws - 400 year old technology). So you can listen to the wailing alarmists who know nothing but have an interest in frightening others, or you can listen to scientists who understand but are not interested because it's ridiculous. I would recommend the latter.

  11. Got room for one more? the pot going to be supplied or do I need to bring my own?

  12. It merely exhibits humanity's innate awe (and fear) of numbers. "The world will end on December 12, 2012" and why? Because of 12/12/12, I assume.

    People have said that the world will end in 2000. It never did. Nostradamus predicted the demise in July 1997. Didn't happen. How about 08/08/1888? Nope, we're still fine and kickin'. So I'm basically used to these doomsday prophecies, and I just sit back and amuse myself about when the next prophecy will sprout out.

    On the other side of the coin, the Chinese have predicted that the 08/08/08 will bring them good fortune, but it ended up in an earthquake that killed hundreds of its citizens.

    Anyway, in case the world does end on 2012? I'll just be in my room having wild s*x with my partner.

  13. The world will come to an end when God has ordained it.  He made the heavens and the earth--they are His creation and they will end when He so determines.  I am prepared.  I know where I will spend eternity.  Not because I am so good, only because He is perfect.

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