
Whats your happiest memory in your life ,?

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Whats your worst? My best was seeing my sons born,my worst is the memorys of scorned women trying to be vendictive for the past 10 years.




  1. I don't think i have them. I sometimes feel happy during random periods of my life.

  2. My happiest would be the New Years Eve 3 years ago, all of my family came. All my brothers & sisters, both my parents, my newborn niece, & one of my aunts. My family is kind of split into too, & the fact that we all got along well made my real happy :]

    My worst would be waking up to my dad crying saying that they killed our puppy. I cried for a whole week without stopping, she was my best friend & the sweetest thing ever. I still miss her with all my heart.

  3. The Happiest memory in my life has been the time that I met the girl of my life. I love her sooooooooooo much! I've been with her for 3 YEARS now. My worst is...... Don't have one really.

  4. best: getting divorced

    worst: getting married viva las vegas

  5. well, i'm only 17 so I doubt the BEST moment has happened yet, but the best i can remember was when I was 6 or 7 my 25 year old cousin allison had taken me to chuckie cheeses during the summertime. we were driving back home and I remember her sunroof was open and i had never drank pepsi before [i live in the south so I had only had coke.. haha]. she asked me if I wanted any and I said no because I thought it was gross, but she insisted that it was better than coke and i drank some. then I remember her having "rock music" playing on the radio and she told me that it was okay to listen to she turned it up. that was the first time i had pepsi and the first time i listened to rock music.

    strange memory, but one of my best.

    worst: after my best friend had went to a mental hospital [i still don't know why, nothing was wrong with her] this past  september. I heard a rumor from the daughter of her moms friend that she was moving to ohio to live with her aunt. I shook uncontrollably at school when I found out because I couldnt cry.. it was the worst day of my life. it was september the 13th..

    she didn't move. which made the situation weirder.. I had convinced myself that my life would suck from there-on-out without her, but she's still here.

    sorry that was so long..

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