
Whats your inspiration when writing?

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Whats your inspiration when writing?




  1. Life around me.

  2. Books I have read, mythological creatures, stories of lore and legend, or just thoughts of "what if?", like "What if we could jump into puddles and go to the 'upside down' world we see in them?"

    Sometimes pictures inspire me, or even certain words I find to be interesting. It could even be some small, odd action I saw someone do during my day.

  3. It started in writing journals for years, I would write about things I like to write on.

    I turned to poetry for a few reasons

    it was in my family

    2 years ago I wrote a lot of poetry

    of the city 100th birthday

    A few writer in residence who work in a library

    A writer's group

  4. My inspirations are my feelings. Having them burn up inside me until I let them out.

  5. my inspiration is the time of day, my thoughts, my life, my surroundings, smells, touch, taste, scenery, etc

  6. i go for a walk  along  the beach, around my town , etc. (When I go on holiday i take pictures)

    hope this helped!

  7. listening to natural sounds

  8. for poetry: my life at the time, sudden random thoughts, my friends

    for stories: dreams are a big one, though i have to cut out most of the inane weirdness; also the floor-to-ceiling bookshelf and its contents

    that said, i'm failing to write anything at the muse deserted me during my exams.

  9. My keyboard

  10. many things inspire me when I write such as music, foods, people, my other books, movies, art, and just looking at photographs I get inspiration. Love is very inspiring for me and so is death, vengeance, and victory. Tomas Harris is just one of the people that inspire me to write and he kept me writing, so I give a shout out to him and his books. thanks for asking my opinion.

    Ta ta,


  11. Well good question my inspriration or support when writing is usually just sitting on the couch or lay on the bed just to think a couple of seconds when writing most people do fantantsy and funny paragraphs, or poetry anything but I look at it as realistic and serouis another thing is looking at poems online by the best poets I enjoy looking at Shakespear and lots others. The best to do I prefer just wait a couple a days up to a week see what might be going on and look for the days on your subject see how it comes out like for the sun maybe in a day or two your thinking bright, big and beautiful or a shadow dark, deep, and big many things you will find by doing that :D  

  12. Anything. I have the urge to write something and it happens.

    Later I might go back to what I've written and make slight modifications.But,usually,it sort of "gets written".I never know when it'll happen next.

  13. Analysing people's actions and listening to conversations in the streets. I know it sounds nosy but it helps.

    And like someone else said before, thinking about things that basically, are impossible. Things that we know are not true but just thinking - what if? What if there really were mythical creatures? What if, we could see the world from a different perspective? What if, everything was back to front?

    Then I like to read books and poetry, manipulating the plot or verses and making sense of it all. Trying to understand where the writer is coming from

    To me, a writer is very much like an actor. We put ourselves in our characters shoes, we become them and write their feelings down as if they are our own. We share all the same thoughts and feelings and opinions.

    A book is all down to the imagination. Taking simple quotes out of questions on yahoo even, and twist them, make them into something that matches what you are writing, for example, taking a few words that are interesting or meaningful things people say.

    It's all about taking your time and understanding wholey what you are writing about. You can't write about something you don't understand. There, you could easily write a novel on not understanding things.

    It's all in the way it is written, not necessarily what it is about. Mix and matching simple and more descriptive words, creating new worlds.

    Reading is almost like magic. A well written novel is one where you almost feel as if you are there in that world, stood next to the hero-heroine. As if the things we dream about could be true.

    As if the impossible is not as far fetched any more.

    The writing must come from the heart. You must be dedicated. Anyone can say one day that they want to write a novel, and although there are millions if novels out there, compared to the amount that have ever been written, only very few become classic pieces of literacy.

    Hope this helped.

  14. Usually meaningful events and people in my personal life inspire me to write, and then it's automatic writing. The words just pour out of me, almost as if I had nothing to do with them. It's weird, almost effortless. I'm not talking about whether my work is good quality or not, but it's mine and I've been doing this for several years. Maybe I'll publish a book of my poetry one day.

  15. Inspiration comes in many and varied forms.

    My topic for the last couple of weeks, has been 'dogs'  -  not the animals themselves but the stuff they leave behind on the pavement or in the park.

    At least the poems have caused a bit of amusement, which can't be bad.

    Perhaps I'll be back on 'daffodils' or something similar, in the near future !

    Incidentally, I do like dogs.

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