
Whats your location and how much do you pay for childcare?

by  |  earlier

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daycare or babysitter..whichever

someone wanted me to watch their child for $25 a day he was 4 and not potty trained and ate alot..but she said thats what the cost was at any daycare in Az..true?




  1. One way you can find out is to go to craigslist in your area childcare section and see by asking providers in your area.

    We're in Suburban Denver and you can expect to pay between $35-50 day for an inhome daycare in our area, but I know that in some areas around town it is more towards $25-30.

  2. It is usually around $50 a day here for home daycares and if you want a Nanny it is between $10-$15 an hour.

  3. i used to pay 500 a month for day care

  4. Well, i'm in Tennessee, so this may not help, but I know that where I work, 3 and 4 year olds are about 115 a week, so that's 23 dollars a day. However, I work with them and make 60 a day, so I don't know how to compare. Maybe you should let whoever offered that to you isn't considering all the work. That may be all she pays for a center, but if she was to pay one of the teachers, she'd be paying 300 a week instead.

    I hope I helped. Best of luck.

  5. You sound exactly like the kind of person I DON'T want watching my child.

    If all you are interested in is the almighty greenback then go work at Wal-Mart and become a greeter.  A true child caregiver should be more delighted in having small children around and the joy of experiencing their energies than not being paid enough for this crappy job.

    If you were watching my child, I’d use a nanny-cam just to be safe.

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