
Whats your main reason for living the life you have now?

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What is it that makes you want to get up and go on living until you die?

Just wondering if your reasons are similar. Please only serious answers. Thanks




  1. God has a purpose for me being here, and I want to fulfill his will. I also want to help find the cure for Cancer and Aids  

  2. One special person makes getting out of bed and going through my daily routine easy. Otherwise I would have have very little motivation to even open my eyes in the morning.

  3. I live this life because this is the happiest I have ever been.....I have lived a while now and the one thing I have figured out is unless you are happy nothing else matters.....I love the fact there are things that are not perfect...really who would want to live in a perfect place....LOL

  4. Well, because I have big plans for my future, and I know what I want to do. I just have to get through the remaining two years of highschool.

    That's why.

  5. fulfilling God's will. getting into heaven. i believe fully in my religion and i believe Jesus Christ is my savior. When i look into his eyes on the day of my death, it'll make my hard life all worthwhile.

  6. Honestly, I love seeing what I'm capable of accomplishing. It's AMAZING to learn that you can do things you've never thought you could do for. But that's just my opinion. I hope you find yours! :)

  7. i honestly dont know i just do what i have to, it ok but gets boring, maybe bing able to talk to my gf

  8. to live..................i have some dreams ,which i want to fulfill for................... my country,my teacher,my parents,my sister,my brother and some to change this society............i want to accomplish my every task before i die........

  9. My daughter. Basically everything I do, I do for her.

    I try to live like how I want her to live. Eat healthy, be good/kind, know the difference between right and wrong. She is my lil miracle and our lives are only going to get better!

    Great question!!!

  10. Just think if there was no such thing in this world think where u would be sometimes it scares me i belive in a religion that we were put on this earth for a reason a test never waste the life u got now LIVE!!!!

  11. my family

    the series I'm after: video games, novels, musicians, artists

    my dreams

  12. My children. My purpose for living is to make sure that If I die tomorrow my kids know that they are the best part of my life. I try to get the most out of every experience. Dont take life tooo seriously, because no one makes it out alive anyway.  

  13. Because each day I wake up, I think to myself, "At the age of 57, I've just began to live.  This is a new day God has made and it is always different than the one I had yesterday.  I've just got to see where it ends up."  Curiosity. :-)

  14. All I do is work..

    I'm just trying to pay off my bills..

    I'm also overweight...

    So I've been on a diet since August 1st..

    I think once my weight is off, and my debt is down..

    I can begin to actually live life..

  15. Simple living high show the world how i have sounds unlike but when u will be in a stage where u almost half of ur life u will be think like this...reason being u will be too old...and u almost tired up wid the things u have seen...but ofcourse there will be something remain in ur heart that will never fullfil...for that u wish to have a anther life to fullfill those remaining...but if u meet all those thing...still there is something left...sooo my frnd live life wid ur simplicity u have..and be down to earth

  16. I really think that life is a gift, and I intend to see it through to the end. I've come this far, worked hard and want to see where life leads me...

  17. i want to go explore the rest of my life.i want to complete my dreams.i want to meet wonderful people.i want to live.that's all there is to it.

  18. I think we are born with an instinct to live. every creature on earth has a will to survive from birth, unless of course there is a chemical embalance in their brain. there are also things like wanting to watch our kids grow up. life is a wonderful thing that can be horrible at times but without pain and suffering we wouldnt be able to appreciate the good. but we are still born with the instinct to live regardless of life experiences.

  19. Must fill belly and eyes with pleasure again.  If I die, I cannot fill belly and eyes with pleasure.  Grunt.

  20. I live the way I do now, because it's a required step along the path to where I want to be in life...

    Everything I will be is the sum of everything I experience and endure on the way... the more I experience, the better.

  21. -family and friends

    -fear of death

    -natural will to live

    -moments of happiness

  22. The life I live now is due to Multiple Sclerosis, but I go on everyday because of my children and grandchildren.  

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