
Whats your meaning, your essence to life?

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Whats your meaning, your essence to life?




  1. The first thing to realise is that there is some essence to life, that life at it core, in the hearts of its hearts is not a void, life by its essence is not without meanings. It is just that sometimes we get distracted and find ourselves in the middle of a mess or chaos. For instance when a person in love looks around he finds the signs of his beloved everywhere. But when a heart is still ignorant love the eyes would not see love anywhere. Then in philosophical sense, world, and our view of the world, is all far too subjective for each of us to make any sense out of all things unless we have a sense of meanings within.

    I often think what is the essence of life? Then I often come up with thoughts greatest humans who have immensely benefited the humanity by their wisdom, insight, achievements and courage. But they are the people who are the first to admit that they too have benefited from the minds of the ones who came before them, and those of those who came before them. We are no alone, none of us is. We the ones who are present as the great collective of human race, we influence each other. We benefit each other simply by the act of our living. We influence each other by our actions as well as by our thoughts.

    This in my mind is the essence, that one mind is in fact all minds put together. The mind and the essence of human reality is the same for all people that we experience on our individualistic ways. This is the first and foremost thing to realise in life, that essence is one, and its meaningfulness immense. Once we have known the truth then it is up to us to live up to that, to live as all people of all ages, in a state of unison with the world, and its people.

  2. To find out as much about the "big picture" as possible.

  3. ...sweet and wife...thanks for asking...

  4. Honestly, to have fun,

    because there is no point in living if you are not happy.

    But then again I'm only 15 so what would I know.

  5. Love. The love for and of my husband, and ditto for my children.

  6. Thats a very good answer by the 15 year old! and I agree. My meaning of life is not too hate those that are worthy of being hated, I wont allow myself to sink to that level of negative thought. Not too talk to myself into a depression. To allow myself to dream but always with my feet on the floor.

    The essence of life is too enjoy, endure, laugh, cry, succeed and fail. The world is round and your life is like a wheel. You will experience everything and when its your turn for negative things to happen, accept it because you accept the positive things without question.

    Currently I have been dismissed from my job of 19 years. Unfairly and yes it hurts, but the sun still shines, the local women have reacted to that by wearing skimpy clothes. So what does a man need. Sun, undressed women and a few pounds in his pocket!  Gis'a Job!

  7. my meaning changes all the time in essence my meaning is to keep up with the changes.

  8. Love, for love conquers all.  

  9. to love the Lord my G od, with all my heart and  all my mind and all my soul,

    to be filled with all the joy of being Gods child.

  10. searching value in life...loving people that I love most...

  11. If I had kids, nature would dictate it to be them.  Job done.

    Subjectively, when I was young I had alsorts of pretensions about being a better person.  Today, I agree with the first answerer, a 15 yr old.  To be happy.  Lessen suffering.  And to be smart about it.

  12. Live life to its fullest, treat most days as your last one, If you ever thought you had a very bad day try doing without one.

  13. I dont know - questioning this at the moment!!

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