
Whats your mercury sign and how many languages do you speak?

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Do you have a flair for language?Are you a creative writer?How fast do you learn a new language?

Whats your mercury sign?

add your sun,moon,asc etc.. if you wish




  1. Mercury in Leo-I'm relatively creative when it comes to writing, and I want to make sure that people like what I write. I learn Spanish pretty quickly, but I think that language learning abilities depend on the language being studied, how one studies...But I guess that aspects made between Mercury and other planets augments a person's abiltiy to learn a language. I think I have a slight "flair" for language-especially since I'm in Honors English and enjoy writing ;)

  2. my mercury sign is a scorpio and i speak french, nepali, and of course engligh duh!

  3. Mercury Aquarius, I speak 4 if I include my mother tongue.

    English(studied comperative literature at university for 4 yrs)

    Spanish (studied spanish literature at university for 4 yrs)

    Turkish (mother tongue)

    French (grad student) Yeah I know, 3rd university but I just love literature, theatre and traveling :)

  4. My mercury is in Libra. I speak english and french fluently. I know a little spanish. I do have a flair for languages. It only took me 7 months to learn french. If I put my mind to it I could also be fluent in spanish in no time because it's so similar to french.

  5. My Mercury sign is in Libra. I know a number of different languages enough to have a small conversation, but I still have yet to study one in depth enough to command it as well as English. I do have an interest in languages though, and if I put my mind to learning a language, I can pick it up very quickly and easily. So far I have learned a bit of Spanish, French, Russian, Arabic, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Tagalog, etc...I have so many foreign friends, more so than American friends, that I am always picking up new languages.

    I also have my Sun and Ascendant in Libra, with Cancer Moon and Jupiter in 9th house, Sagittarius Venus, and in my 3rd house.  

  6. Three. And i want to learn more more more.

    Oh and yes i am a creative writer, i write horror because im good at it. I learn languages fast but now i just have to choose what language i actually wanna learn.. so many..

    Mercury in Scorpio

  7. Only speak Spanish and English. I love to write about my feelings but I'm not a serious writer. Depends on the language on how fast a person can learn it. That is just my opinion.

    Sun: Virgo

    Moon: Libra

    Rising: Cap

    Mercury: Leo

  8. I am a Cancer. I speak English, Chinese, conversational Hokkien and a little bit of Japanese.

  9. My Merc, Sun and Venus are all in Capricorn.

    My Moon is in Aquarius.

    I seem incapable of learning another language beyond basic purchasing and directions.

    I think it's my Texas accent. I tried to speak French one day and was told to stop...I think I inadvertently insulted them.

    **I understand and can read Spanish, French and German. **

  10. Interesting question , 4 and counting

    Sun : Scorpio

    Moon: Scorpio

    Mercury : Scorpio

    Ascendant : Scorpio  

  11. I am a fish. I speak english and pig latin

  12. languages and writing are my thing!, i pick up on languages very quickly and have always been fond of words and the way they are put together . . .

    i can speak english obviously, bengali, hindi, urdu, french, and basic in spanish, arabic and punjabi. . .

    i had lessons for arabic at home, i was taught french and spanish at school, bengali, hindi, punjabi and urdu are very similar and they are the most common languages in south asia . . . learning different languages deffo made and impact in my life . . .

  13. i love writing poetry and i often express my anger in rhyming verses.

    i only know one language(obviously its english lol) but im gradually working on japanese. im really good at pronunciatons so its not as hard as i thought itd be.(although still hard) ^_^

    i have a cancer mercury, but alot of gemini and cap in my chart, so i guess it makes me hard working and communicative.

    -cancer sun w/ aries rising

  14. I am a very articulate person and I love languages and creative writing :) I have a lot of ideas but sometimes I have trouble building a solid story off them.

    I speak 2 fluently and am in the slow process of learning more, particularly Russian and Icelandic. I speak English and French fluently.

    Mars in Aries

  15. i dont know what is mercury

    but i speak

    Arabic, English

  16. i only speak english and gibberish... lol i havent tried learning a new language yet only coz i havent bothered. but i can learn stuff in general quickly. i can be pretty creative when i write(a bit over average)

    libra sun

    aqua moon

    aqua asc(only just)

    scorpio mercury

  17. I speak Filipino (Tagalog) and English.. I can understand some Japanese and Spanish and a local dialect (Bisaya).. My grandmother speaks a lot of Spanish (mixed with Tagalog) words.. and a cousin of mine thought me a little bit of Japanese..

    Yeah, I'd love to learn more.. I don't write a lot cause sometimes I get creative blocks, Lots of creative thniking one moment then it suddenly stops.. I am quite a fast learner, especially if I put it into practice.

    Libra, Mercury Scorpio conjunct Venus, trine Jupiter

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