
Whats your middle name? I dont have one?

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Whats your middle name? I dont have one?




  1. Asia..   MY full name is India Asia Rohmann!

  2. taylor is mine lol. i don't like it,but it's ok. lol. *hugs&kisses*

  3. Jean.  But when I married I decided to use the 1st letter of my maiden name as a middle initial, so my new initials became 'DMV'...It still (many years later) makes people look twice!  ;-)   'Stevie' is a nickname bestowed upon by a dear friend (a reference to Stevie Nicks.)  Please don't sweat the lack of a middle name, lots of folks don't have one.  Actually, in many places around the world, people only have ONE name.  And to quote Shakespeare, "A Rose by any other name, smelleth as sweet"  (or something like that!)  Blessings...

  4. I don't beleive your mom did't give you a middle name

  5. alexis..but whats really weird is that my name is Miranda A. and my last name begins with an H so my name is Miranda H. like yu user name

  6. Elizabeth

  7. Katherine. Exciting, eh?

  8. Louise, after my father Louis

  9. Monique, you don't have a middle name? your not the only one. I know someone who doesn't have one either.

  10. marie

  11. Dawn

  12. Lynndonna

    My mom and bf don't have middle names either.

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