
Whats your most imbarissing moment???

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My most imbarissing moment is...When I was3 I was starting soccer camp for the first time.We were running drills and I went to kick the ball and flew forward and my face went strait into the mudd!




  1. Playing volleyball:  blocking at the left side of the net, the wiring was not crimped too well and my shorts caught on it coming down tearing it off a bit.  TG for jock straps!!!...LOL

  2. one time at a volleyball game one of my teamates made a real bad pass and i didnt think any one could get it so i just turned around and waited.

    but one of the girls actually did get it and they passed it to me and i wasnt watching and it landed right beside me and we lost a point : (

    my coach started yelling and saying that we need to never stop playing during a game and every one was looking rite at me. i was so embarassed.

  3. well today actually, in gym we were playing badminton, and i went to hit the ball but instead i threw my racket 70 ft across the gym, and i hit another girl. thats not even that bad compared to my whole life though! lol

  4. I was in a volleyball tournament and i went to serve and when i threw up the ball i missed it with my hand and i hit my shoe and bouced back and hit me in the face. I was so embarresed.

  5. omg...thats sucks, but my most embarrassing moment would have to be...hmmmmm, i was u going up to spike the vball, and when i jumped my foot went up and i kicked a girl in the face!!! omg it was horrible, but one time i also was getting ready to serve and i feel...yeah believe it or not, and to this day i dont know how i did it! lol

  6. I don't have one but lol at yours.

  7. This was when i just started volleyball. We were practicing blocking side by side with a partner. After i blocked my elbows went outward and hit my partner!!

    She got a swollen black eye

    She couldn't play for a week

    Coach made me run 50 full court hourses

    Need I say more???

  8. went to do a smach and I completly missed the ball and I hit the net. But on the next play I got a huge dig and then got a nice tip and we won so it was worth it.

  9. Always embarrassing in volleyball when you go to set the ball and the ball goes through your hands and hits you in the face. Also, I was playing defense on the 10-foot line one time and the other team was hitting, and both of our blockers totally missed on the block. The other guy teed off on the ball and hit me in the right eye. I still have the scar. Fortunately, I was credited with a dig because the ball stayed in play. :)

  10. last year my pants fell down in pe

  11. wen were playing volley-ball and i was like zoning out and some1 said watch out and a vbaall slammed my face and ppl wre laughing and face was all red

  12. Thats so embarrassing, I couldn't share something like that!

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