
Whats your nationality?

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I was born in Wichita ks but im a mutt. My dad is full German and my mom is half German,Russian,Hungarian,czeck,and Cherokee Indian.I'm so proud of my nationality i think its unigue




  1. irish german dutch welsh

  2. My nationality is American, as I'm a US citizen, but my heritage or ancestral history is a mix of British (English,Welsh,Scottish,N.Irish), Irish, Dutch, Swiss, German,Cherokee Indian.

    I had the great fortune to trace my ancestry on my maternal line, and have detailed information that links me as a direct descendant of King Henry 2nd through both King Edward the Longshanks and Prince Edmund. I also descend from 3 of King Edwards children, Princesses Joan and Elizabeth and through his son Edward as well. Those royals loved to intermarry, and it's through them that I can trace back as far as 06AD on one line!! The Plantagenets are the last of my connection to the British royals and that link starts 22 generations back. The great thing is that the link goes very far back and connects to all the royal houses of Europe, Russia, Scandinavia and beyond.  I then traced various ancestors arrival in the US beginning in the 1600's and beyond. It's truly been fascinating.

    My paternal line has been more difficult to trace, but I know that they mainly came from Cork Ireland, came here as indentured servants, homesteaded, and intermarried with the Cherokee.

  3. I'm African Canadian, for ethnicity I'd say African with European decent.

  4. american belizian

  5. Your nationality is where you have your citizenship, not the country from which your ancestors came.  Nationality is not the same thing as race, ethnicity or ancestral heritage.

    My nationality is nothing but American but in my ancestral heritage, I am a Pedigree American Mutt.

  6. Me, I'm an American! Good old U.S. of A.! I take it that you don't mean nationality, which is where you have citizenship, but whether your family tree.

    If you check out the history of Germany, there is no such thing as "full German". The U.S. is an older country than Germany! (or France, for that matter!)

    By paper trail, I have traced my ancestry to native Americans and all over Europe and parts of the Middle East and 3 countries in Africa.

    By DNA, I get to include all the continents and Atlantic, Carribean, Pacific Islands.


    You should start by asking all your living relatives about family history.  Then, armed with that information, you can go to your public library and check to see if it has a genealogy department.  Most do nowadays; also, don't forget to check at community colleges, universities, etc.  Our public library has both and free for anyone to use (no library card required).

    Another place to check out is any of the Mormon's Family History Centers.  They allow people to search for their family history (and, NO, they don't try to convert you).

    A third option is one of the following websites:

    Cyndi's has the most links to genealogy websites, whether ship's passenger lists, ancestors from Africa, ancestors from the Philippines, where ever and whatever.

    Of course, you may be successful by googling: "john doe, born 1620, plimouth, massachusetts" as an example.

    Good luck and have fun!

    Check out this article on five great free genealogy websites:

    Then there is the DNA test; if you decide you want to REALLY know where your ancestors came from opt for the DNA test. Besides all the mistakes that officials commonly make, from 10% to 20% of birth certificates list the father wrong; that is, mama was doing the hanky-panky and someone else was the REAL father. That won't show up on the internet or in books; it WILL show up in DNA.

    I used which works with the National Geographics Genotype Program.

  7. I'm American.  I think you meant to ask what is your heritage, the genealogy of your family.

    I was born in Jamaica.  I have genes that date back to the Taino Indians of the Islands.  Of course with the Caribbean being the 1st stop of the slave trade back in the day, I also have British and Spaniard European, and I have an uncle that has some Chinese genes.

    Most Caribbeans, Central Americans, and South Americans have some ratio of this mixture.

  8. I am from Trinidad and Tobago,living in the US,but my ancestors came from India.

  9. I am Portuguese, Syrian, and Irish.

    Weird mix... I know.


  10. American.

    My race is caucasian.  

    As far as my ancestors me it really doesn't matter what countries they came from...I am an American.  Thank God.

  11. IM a american. But im still a mutt. I am Black, Choctaw indian, French, Dominican. Basically You can call me a creole. I am from louisiana.

  12. Scottish born and bred- with half arab...

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