
Whats your opinion about who declares himself a prophet?

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@ 1qfac...Why u putting words in sister Islam4.... mouth .

She claerly wrote:




  1. Our opinion doesnt matter........lets see what is Allah's verdict:

    And if he had forged and attributed any sayings to US,  

    [69:46] We would, surely, have seized him by the right hand,  

    [69:47] And then, surely, We would have cut his life-vein,  

    [69:48] And not one of you could have held Our punishment off from him.

  2. Whoever declares himself prophet after prophet Mohammed PBUH, is a lier.

  3. If they bring a new Shariah, then as sister Islam4Life said, no new faith is to be born and hence they would be false.

    But if they came under the shariah of Muhammad (sa), then it would be in accordance with the Prophets (sa) and the Qur'ans teachings.  Then I would see if they are helped by Allah or saved by Allah.  Allah says he kills false Messengers and has done so throughout history, even recently with Rashid Khalifa.

    The Prophet (sa) made clear that Prophethood would be re established when he says in Sahi Muslim that the Messiah would be Nabi'Ullah.  He also says in Masnad Ahmad that Khilafat would be re established among Muslims on the precepts of Prophethood.  So clearly prophets can still come, but they must be under the shariah of Muhammad (sa) as the Qur'an is a perfect and final book.


    @Otherside - Actually I simply agreed that no new shariah would come - as she stated.  So a new prophet with a new shariah must be rejected categorically.  That's all.


    @Maryam - Sister I'm sorry I must have missed your point.  Actually if you could provide a reference to your quote it might be easier for me to understand what you were saying.

    But briefly, remember that the Jews who rejected Isa (as) called him heretical and said that he changed the law, etc.  When in actuality he was showing them the error of their ways.  From what I gather with what you're trying to say, I should emphasize that Hazrat Ahmad (as) reformed Islam back to the way the Prophet (sa) taught it.  Obviously this would be in conflict in countless ways with the ummah of the time.  You will readily agree that whatever sect a particular Muslim agrees with, s/he will see every other sect as bid'ah.

    love for all, hatred for none

  4. Lier.


    Why, did someone say that after Muhammad (S)?

  5. such a person is a liar, psycho, silly, dumb, weird, has a desire to be one, and is mental.

  6. after the last prophet Muhammad(saw) = Dajjal !

  7. There is no Other Prophet After Muhammad (saww) Who ever Claim That he or she is Prophet Simply Cut his Neck.

    And his Followers

  8. excerpts Prophet Muhammad's(saw) last sermon:

    O People, NO PROPHET OR APOSTLE WILL COME AFTER ME AND NO NEW FAITH WILL BE BORN. Reason well, therefore, O People, and understand my words which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the QUR'AN and my example, the SUNNAH and if you follow these you will never go astray.

    All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again; and may the last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me directly. BE MY WITNESS O ALLAH THAT I HAVE CONVEYED YOUR MESSAGE TO YOUR PEOPLE."

    According to Islam whoever claims to be a prophet after Muhammad(saw) is a liar.

  9. My opinion is that they are liars and false prophets and bring false doctrine.  The bible warns us that anyone who comes after Jesus stating he is a prophet and brings a message teaching against what He taught is a false prophets and brings false doctrines.  Jesus was the final messenger of God.

  10. Simply that he was an epileptic hypochondriac.

    LOL @ no new shariah would come.

    According to Mirza Mahmood: "The words of His Holiness, Mirza, the messiah, still echo in my ears. He declared 'it is a wrong concept that our disagreement with the people is just limited to the death of Jesus or a few other issues'.

    He (Mirza) told us that it extends to the entity of Allah, the Messenger (P.B.U.H), the Quran, fasting, Hajj and zakah (charity). Thus, he told us in detail that how our conflict with them covers every single issue"

    I most humbly beg to know what is meant by a 'new shariah'?

  11. who ever declares himself a Prophet after the last Prophet is either a lying idiot or at the best case a lunatic worthy of ignoring.

  12. allah says there will be no prophet after mohammed saws, so who ever claims to be is a lier and he said that they will be people who claim to be, so beware

  13. Who ever claims to be a Prophet should be labeled as insane

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