
Whats your opinion of friends with benefits?

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we're both in the 11th grade, and still trying to figure out if it should be just a one time thing or something that happens more often. we dont go farther than 2nd base, so whats your take on the situation?




  1. This is terrible.  It can lead to pregnancy, disease, true lust after the s*x which the other person might not feel...Why do you think people marry?  I think they do it because they love one another and also without the "contract" of marriage if they separate the partner who is the poorest could get nothing.

  2. im cool with it.  

  3. You're seriously asking what I think about an arrangement where you get physical with, and "be exclusive" with, a guy who won't acknowledge you as a girlfriend?

    I think it's a great way for a guy to get a little action for himself, with no commitment, no trouble, and no expense. It'll keep him from getting too bored, while he's looking around for a girl he REALLY likes and is willing to go to a LOT of trouble for. That obviously isn't you.

    I don't think you'll get a lot out of this arrangement, other than a nagging feeling that you're being used.

    And if you think you can draw the line at second base for long, you're both fooling yourselves.

  4. Disgusting. That's why god made couples. That's exactly like cheating.  

  5. its gross.

    you should only have s*x w/ people that you really and truly love... not just "friends".

  6. h**l no.

    I had a friend with benefits in year 9 and d**n, did it hurt afterwards.

    Sure did, when you fall for the guy and he only wants you for the making out or whatever, then its sh*t.

  7. It's fun for a while but I always end up wanting something more and I get hurt when the guy doesn't feel the same way.

  8. uhm i think its okay for awhile

    but then someone (usually the girl) ends up wanting more

    and getting hurt

    or someone gets a new bf/gf (usually the guy) and the girl feels used

    and gets hurt

    i agree with whoever said that guys invented this lol  

  9. It's usually a bad idea because it doesn't go well, one party wants more than the other and then they end up disagreeing and somebody gets hurt. It can be a way for teens to explore sexually, which can be ok if they're responsible, but usually it's not such a great idea.


  10. i think as long as you use protection and are on birth is fine if you do not want a relationship or for whatever is way better than sleeping with multiple people and preventing i said great idea rather than sleeping around just use protection

  11. I think your are heading down a road that is going to leave you feeling used empty and confused.  I don't think you are going to be fulfilled.  It will just become increasingly harder to get satisfaction.

    You may also miss out on a lot of other experiences that come only once in this time of life,as you may become more & more focused on your next "hookup".

    Those who abstain until marriage have greater satisfaction sexually, & less likely to divorce.

    Save it for then, you will have no regrets.

  12. sorry but i think the girl is the one that usually ends up loosing in that deal. You could either get attatched, or end up feeling used.

    i think a guy invented the whole "friends with benefits"

    and they have you thinking you are all liberal! lol

  13. its stupid and someone is gonna get hurt if it keeps going

  14. Personally, I think I would be deluding myself if I thought I was okay with doing this. Morally, for me, it's wrong. As a parent, I think it's a bad idea for a teenager to act this way.

    However, your moral standards don't equal my moral standards. Yet, I would recommend you think long and hard before going any further. Do you really want to have s*x with someone at your age just for the sake of having s*x?

  15. It never works out.  When you are old like me, you'll regret it.

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