
Whats your opinion of this song?

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I believe by asking this question I have opened the gates of h**l.... but here it goes.

I know she doesn't look great there.... but I think the song is pretty good, especially compared to most songs recently. BTW she looks a h**l of a lot better now.




  1. i would not pay to hear it thats for sure

  2. I do not like it. My ears are now bleeding.

  3. AHHH GOD!!!!



  4. i'm  going to assume that she didn't write the song because the lyrics are really deep. it's a great song but i really can't stand that crazy *****.

  5. i think it is pretty good

    just listening to the song and not looking at her

    concentrating on the song instead of how she looks

    pretty good lyrics

  6. its ok but not the best ever and she looks like a deadbeat cocaine addict wtf

  7. -watching video-

    "my d-" CLOSE

    she looks like a hooker...

    and is it me or is she wearing a see through shirt?

  8. and here come the h**l hounds.

    not the biggest courtney love fan, well not really at all a fan.

  9. it pretty much blows. doll parts is way better.

  10. Despite the fact that I hate Courtney Love, she and Hole do have some really good material. I haven't really heard much of her music though because I won't pay for it [she's makinh enough money whoring out her dead husband's name], but I thought that was a great song. :)

  11. Yeah it was a pretty good song. Not amazing, but good. I don't dislike Courtney, but i don't agree with how she always tries to make money from Kurt.... That's awful. And how she talks S**t about Dave Grohl, saying Kurt hated him and stuff. But nevertheless quite an alright song.  

  12. Kinda creepy, but Not too bad. Not good, but not bad.

  13. Not really my cup of tea....she could be hot...I think

  14. Courtney Love is a murderess. And she can't sing. The duo of Pennyroyal Tea with her and Kurt? Her hideous croak was over powering Kurt's voice? And they don't sound good together at all!!

    She always used Kurt and she's still using his name after he's dead. Love you Kurt!!!

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