
Whats your opinion of this statement????,take the world in small doses and humor in large gulps?

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Whats your opinion of this statement????,take the world in small doses and humor in large gulps?




  1. thats the way to good healthy living.  dont worry; be happy.

  2. It would mean that to survive in this dog-eat-dog kind of life, one must have a gargantuan appetite for humor.  Take everything in stride. Never be too anxious nor too problematic.  Problems sometimes have a way of resolving by themselves.  A pill of humor each day can lengthen one's life.  As they say, laughter is the best medicine.

  3. i'm not sure about taking the world in small doses, but i think we should all take humor in large gulps. maybe take some large sips of happiness as well.

  4. I think even if it is just a small misunderstanding and there is someone who wants to start a conflict and that thing becomes a can be easily spread around...

  5. good advice

  6. lighten up, laugh a lot.  

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