
Whats your opinion on Teachers paddling their students.?

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In some states Teachers are still able to paddle their students when they feel it is necessary.When they went to college to become an educater, does it say anything in the books that spanking is a form of teaching?Did it come to this because some parents don't get to spend enough time with their children,because of their job schedules and they can't help but leave it up to the teachers to educate and at the same time have to diciplin them.Doesn't it seem like teachers have alot more on their plate than they used to?




  1. When i was a child it was not against law to spank a child in school by the teacher when was a child my female teacher spanked me on bare bottom in the class when needed and my mom and dad  ok it

  2. My 7yo son attends a private, religion-based grade school staffed by lay teachers. I have met with his teacher and have singed the paperwork indicating how he is to be disciplined if needed. I stipulated pants down since that's the way he's punished at home. I have no problem with them paddling, I fully trust his teacher and she is in charge of his behavior while there.

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