
Whats your opinion on animal cruelty and animal testing?

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I just want to hear your opinion.My opinion on animal testing:I hate people who do it,they can die!!My opinion on animal cruelty:people who do it are retards,I hate them,they should be put on death row.




  1. i'm a peta activist and am against all forms of animal crulety

    and animal testing. animal testing is not accurate because humans and anmials are just genetically different. it's torture for the animals and a waste of money. especially when people donate to foundations that use donations for "research". animals are living breathing creatures and just because an animal may be a rat or a bunny doesn't mean they aren't capable of feeling emotion or pain. in some cases stray or lost dogs/cats are even taken into labs to be tested on. how would you feel if your pet was taken to be tortured for the rest of it's life? idk...i have a lot to say on this subject and there's not enough time or words to fully express my opinion, but i guess this will do.

  2. i couldn't agree more with you, it is sick and cruel and there is no need for it they have already show en that computers can give a better result to the testing, then testing their products on animals i think they do it just for the sick fun of it

  3. animal cruelty laws should be harsher.

    animal testing- cosmetics and beauty products unnecessary.

    But I fully support medical testing.  Human lives are saved everyday because of this and my husband was one of them.

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