
Whats your opinion on glasses and intelligence?

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I am thirteen average in height,weight and all that and get really really average grades but i also wear glasses. Bullies and ***** pressume i am a nerd and i get slagged over them the whole time.

Its the same with all guys i know with glasses.




  1. You probably just have to wait until the bullies get older/drop out/grow up and realize they're being ridiculous.  Meanwhile, girls don't think a guy with glasses is a nerd.  If you are really worried about it, maybe look into more hip glasses...?   Look at any rock star these days - a ton of them are wearing them!  

  2. Glasses don't necessarily equate intelligence. I've known some kind, bright people who don't wear them, and some douche-bag, dumb-a**s that do wear them.

  3. I know smart people with glasses, and I know stupid people with glasses.  I don't think eyesight has anything to do with intelligence.  Just ignore them.  They're obviously too lame to find something better to do with their time.

  4. I have been wearing glasses since I was about 16.  Back then I used to only wear them when I really had to, like in class.  Now I wear them all the time.

    I remember how self conscious I felt when I was younger but I think that if you have enough self confidence it shouldn't matter.  Ignore those people who slag you if you can, because if you show them you are not bothered about what they are saying they will not get fed up and move onto the next person.  

    If you are still getting taunted, just try out some contact lenses.  I know this sounds like you're are giving into the bullying but it could make them stop.

    Good luck.

    EDIT:  Stereotypes of intelligent people are shown wearing glasses, that's just society.  It's so unfair why anything about a person should make them a target for bullies, that's just life though.

  5. Intelligent people wear glasses, just look at my avatar. ;-)

    As for bullies, the best thing is to give them a bloody nose (then run like h**l). They don't like it and they'll leave you alone in future. The worst thing you can do is give in to what they want.

  6. thats really lame, just because you wear glasses doesnt make you a "nerd"

    they need to get a life..seriously.

    i wear contacts, and glasses when i take them out but im still not a nerd

    i play video games and chat on the computer like 24/7

    ignore them :)

  7. yeah it really depends. If you seem to be small and have a thin appearence, along with glasses, it makes you look nerdy. same with girls. But if i see a big boobed girl wearing hollister and abercrombie, and they are wearing glasses, i dont really think they are smart. They could be, but people who are like that wear glasses to seem smart or look cute.

  8. This nation has a bias and pre-judgments on just about everything and you're right.. I wear both contacts and glasses and I see the difference in treatment of when I wear my glasses. but now that I'm older, it works in my favor as I get more respect when I do have my glasses on because I'm presumed to be a smart *** (which I am by the way).

    Also, when I go to the club w/my glasses on, a different kinda crowd tends to hit on me (That's when I get the intellectual ones) versus when I have my contacts in, I get the party animals.

    And anyone who says that there's no difference in treatment doesn't know what their talking about...

    The only thing is that you have to make a stand to let them know that you CAN stand amongst them. Believe me I did and would do it all over again.

    Good Luck and


  9. Don't let the bullies get you down.  They are only looking for a reaction, and if they don't get one they will move on.

    They will pick something that is different to them and make a point of it.

    It was the same for me and my long hair.  Yeah, I got bullied for having long hair.

    Sooner or later your realize that you can continue to let these folk get to you and ruin possibly the best years of your life or you can choose to ignore it and be the bigger person and not let them get to you.

    It sounds hard I know, but believe me, it can make such a difference by letting it fly over your head.

    Sorry to ramble on, but I hate hearing about idiots who make others miserable :(

    EDIT:  I don't think glasses make you any more intelligent than those without.  It depends on your knowledge and skills, not your eye wear.

  10. It's just a stereotype. I wore glasses once, and I got picked on. Okay, I am kinda nerdy, but I don't wear glasses anymore and I still am because that's

    Just be yourself and get out there. I'm really shy and quiet, but once people got to know me, I started making friends. They just didn't know what to think of me is all.

    Point is, the glasses don't make you, you make you, and once people see how good of a person and how wonderful you are, they'll forget. It's just because they're probably immature, and eventually they'll figure out how to grow up.

    As for the bullies, I'm not saying you should sink to their level, but don't let them walk all over you. Stand up to them and don't let their actions affect you. That's all they want is a reaction. If they don't get it, they'll stop.

    And just for the record, I think glasses are totally hot. And I'd rather have a smart boy over a dumb one any day. I just think nerds are cute. Sue me.

  11. It doesn't matter to me, with or without glasses you can be intelligent. Although glasses are generally connected to being "nerdy" which makes people assume that the person wearing them is intelligent. It sounds stupid but i think that'ss why. If you see a tall blonde with big b***s ect are you going to assume that she's stupid, more than likely because that's the stereotype. As unfortunate as it is, it is what it is.  

  12. Not true, I wore glasses, had top grades and nobody ever dared to bully me (wasn't teachers pet or anything, just had a really sharp tongue and kids prefered to have me as a friend rather than enemy).

    There are smart people with glasses and not so smart people with glasses, whether you wear them has nothing to do with your intelligence.

  13. The glasses don't mean a thing.

  14. Glasses = poor eye sight.

    1:1 Degree = intelligence.

  15. I wear glasses but thick as two short planks.

  16. Again it all has to do with society.

    Glasses dont make one person smarter than teh other. Society makes people believe that people with glasses are smarter. The smart people in the movies have glasses. The rich people on the magazines have glasses. This could be a good thing and a bad thing with children. THinking this children who have to get glasses may be scared they will look like a nerd but the glasses may also give them confidence. Like i have glasses now i have make the grade.

    You should tell those bullies to shove it. they are stupid and dont know what they sre talking about. You could also get some more stylish frames.

  17. Glasses can give you a certain charm, but that's all.

    Bullies are idiots, just ignore them.

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