
Whats your opinion on my car situation?

by Guest66897  |  earlier

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I just had to give my car back to my credit union. It needed about $4000 worth of repairs. I now owe them around 10,500 even though I only owe $9,200. I'm not going to be able to pay it so I am going to have to file bankruptcy. I am only 18 and have no family here so I'm on my own. If I file bankruptcy should I go get a car that is new with a warrenty before I file or should I just get a cheap car that could have problems. If you have any ideas please let me know. If you know a good car dealer in the middle tennessee area let me know.

Thank you so much for your help.

Oh I am going to be going into the air force within the next 4 months.




  1. you wont be able to get on a payment plan with your debt your only chance is to pay the full price of the new car up front

  2. it really sounds like you cannot afford any car, get a bike. besides in 4 mo you wont need a car anyways right? so if you got one it would just sit around loosing value.  

  3. I would wait till you get out of the Air Force.   Good choice the Air Force.

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