
Whats your opinion on people who ALWAYS have to be in a RELATIONSHIP?

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You know those people who can't be single for more than a week. They always have to have a boyfriend or girlfriend or husband or wife, or someone they are "talking to" etc.

What do you think about such people? And if you ARE one of them, whats your reason?




  1. Insecure and low self-esteem. A fragile sense of self-worth that must be constantly supported by an external source, such as a partner. Codependent relationships with even their friends and family members, and have difficulty feeling isolated and alone without contact.

  2. I used to be like that, in my teens and early twenties. I was insecure and thought that I only had value if someone (i.e., a boy) liked me. Sometimes I would two or three relationships going on at once. It was all about low self-esteem. I didn't realize that I had value as an individual and not just as half of a couple. By my late twenties, I had matured enough to realize that a relationship should complement my life, not complete it, if that makes any sense.

  3. I feel sorry for people like that.  Just hopping around from person to person (ugh that's sounds icky now).

    People that need to always be in a 'relationship' arent comfortable with their own selves, their own company.  It must be exhausting to always be searching for the next lover...

  4. Because they don't have enough hobbies and don't enjoy talking to themselves. Maybe they need an imaginary friend. They are a whole lot better. I speak from experience. And no, I'm not one of them. I am married, but I would prefer to be single, and yes, when he is out of the house, I have tons to do, that I would have done anyways had I been single.  

  5. I don't think that is wrong, but if you're switching partners every week, you've got a problem. You're either a selfish gold-digger who wants to milk everyone as much as possible, or very, very unfortunate to get bad partners each time you try.

    Most people I know prefer the freedom of being single to the responsibility of having a partner. I know women are more likely to want someone to talk to than men are. It's just that these people need more security than others, and a partner gives them that. Nothing wrong wih it.

    I'm a loner, always was and always will be. I have no 'best friends', just people I turn to when I need a favor. Many people have told me that I'm their best friend because I never turn anybody down unless I have no choice. But I always maintain that my best friend is me, and my worst enemy is me.

  6. Years and years of practice and conditioning from their parental guidance.  

    I have a friend like this, as soon as she was divorced - she found herself a man friend.  She is a good person, never cheated on her husband and took years of abuse from him, but as soon as the kids were grown and out of house and out of high school,  she gave her husband a chance to change... she gave him several months, but he just couldn't do it.  (Mental issues)

    But to answer your question... some people need a partner in their life.  It's not good or bad, it's just the way they prefer it.  Sleeping alone is something to get used to after 25 yrs of marriage, even less than 25!  Companionship is important when you get older... you WANT to share your life with someone... it's just the way it is.  

    Relationships enhance our lives... it's a scientific fact that those who are married, and those who maintain a life long partnership with someone they love, live longer, healthier lives??  

  7. They are compliant neurotics or have a dependent personality disorder.  

  8. They are insecure about themselves and maybe have a lack of self confidence and need someone there to always be telling them how important or amazing they are...

  9. here is my answer he took the words right out of my mouth :]]]

  10. Though I prefer to share my life with someone, I have gone for long periods in my life when I was just "me".  I did okay, at times I did better without the stress of a relationship or another person to think about.  This worked out well when I was in a healing situation and needed to focus of myself...I would not have made a good partner during those times.

  11. I may be one of those people.  I am happiest when I have someone to share my life with, when I am enhancing the life of someone else.  I don't actively seek a relationship, and I do not lower my standards for fear of being alone. However,  I do  feel most contented when I am in a relationship.

  12. I don't think people necessarily want to be single. Everyone likes companionship in some form. The people who HAVE to have constant attention from others just have low self-esteem. They don't think highly of themselves and feel better when given compliments by others.  

  13. I think they are shallow. People I have met like that think you are a loser or you have nothing in your life, but your job or college if you do not have a spouse and have the tremendous audacity to condescend to you in such a manner

  14. I am currently in a relationship, but I have also gone months being single. And I guess I enjoy a (healthy) relationship more, but, I am content in being single too. I don't know which category I'd be in. I guess I'm in the middle-ground on that one.

  15. That they'll lurch from miserable, unhealthy relationship to miserable, unhealthy relationship until they wise up and realize what a bad idea it is to accept anyone, just to avoid being alone.

    Such people are walking victims, since they care only about avoiding themselves, and not at all about the qualities or character of those they hook up with.


  16. My first instinct is that they're insecure and looking for validation.  That they don't feel good about themselves and they need someone to boost them up a bit.

    This isn't always the case but I've run into enough people like this that again, this is the first place my mind goes.

  17. I guess they just have a dependency issue or can't stand the feeling of being single...Some people equate single with "loser" or "can't get any" (which isnt true), so they desperately need to start dating someone right away?  

  18. I think people like that are clingy and needy. They just thrive for attention. I'm ok with it as long as they don't cling to me. We can talk but that's it.

  19. well some people can't stand to be alone.They always have to have some one for whatever reason.I have been alone for years at a time and i have been  in a relationship for years at a time . I can take it ether way. To truly be secure in yourself and your abilities you need time alone. everyone need to be along as some point in there life. Cause relationships are not guarantied,all can fail. Just not workout  for what every reason. The only true person you have that will always be with you is yourself....

  20. I like not having to look for a new girlfriend. If a have a girlfriend I am content and I stop going out and looking for a girl. My physical standards for women are so high, that it is a miracle when I meet a girl who I consider attractive, who is also single, who also likes me.  

  21. I am NOT one of those people.  I always found them to be annoying, weak, needy, dependent, flakey, uninteresting, childish, and just about unbearable.  They tend to make the worst friends and drive their partners away.

  22. I have been married for 8 years... But when I was single (not married) I never really went looking for a relationship. I kinda just let them happen. People who need to be in a relationship all the time are probally lonley and afraid to be alone with them selves. There are also people who have low self esteem and need some one to validate them. They need someone to feel wanted and worthy. I used to call them desprate, but really I think it has more to do with insecurities.

  23. Yeah, they irk me to no end!  They're desperate and are like sponges, like they have no personality of their own so they seek someone out to suck the life out of them!

  24. Maybe they don't HAVE to be in a relationship, but rather thay WANT to be in a relationship.

    Perhaps they are gregarious types and don't like being alone or just enjoy life better with other people.

    Don't you get tired projecting this myth of yourself as a lone wolf?  

  25. Personally I feel those types of people are either immature or have low self esteem. If you can't be alone and enjoy life, what do you have to offer a mate anyhow?

  26. Sometimes this human condition is a result of the need to take care of and nurture someone.  The caretaker.

  27. That they have low self-esteem and are needy.  Every single person I know who is like that was needy.  Many of them were depressed.  They didn't feel good enough unless someone "loved" them.  Most of my friends got over it, but I still have one who has a tough time being single.  She feels being single makes her a social outcast or something, like she has to be a part of a couple for others to accept her.  The thing is, they aren't ever really happy in the relationship either, because it's not a healthy relationship.

  28. They are obviously incapable of getting by without a "fallback" and are therefore weak.

  29. omg! wooo

    one of my friends is like that!

    and its super annoying!

    and she acts like the only way to be happy is in a relationship!

    i think its low self esteem and they want the security of knowing someone is there.

  30. I find them excruciatingly annoying.  They're clingy and irritating.  These are the people that whine when they're single, complain when they're in the relationship, and completely dump their friends when they find someone new.  Disgusting.  The worst part is, when they're single, they'll cling to everyone else in their lives like sea moss.

    doodlebugjimv3: I was WAITING for someone to make a sexist statement on this topic.  Thanks for fulfilling that for me.

  31. I am one of these people, and my reason is that there is nothing in this world that compares to pleasure of s*x. If you aint lovin', you aint livin'. I don't need a serious relationship or commitment, but when I find myself without female companionship, I will search tirelessly until I find a woman. Friends and family are great, but there is a limit to what they can provide.

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