
Whats your opinion on pollution? And why?

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How do you think pollution is destroying our earth?

What kind of pollution is destroying our earth?

What can why do to stop this?




  1. I don't believe we know yet all the ramifications of the polluting we've already observed. The mercury in the soil and water is a major problem.  I know of one little girl (8) in my area who has toxic levels of mercury in her body!!!  And her parents know because they had her tested, how many don't have a clue?  The teflon bits coming off all the cookware we've been using since the 1950's really has me concerned.

    They know this stuff gets in your genes, you pass it on.  The orange water in the stream across from my house that's killing everything it flows through is tragic! And still, they keep on polluting!  It's no wonder that we have so many serious health problems, especially in children!  And it looks as though it's going to get worse.  The companies find ways to get around cleaning up the mess they leave, and the little people are left with the bill. I live in a rural County and have to have an exhaust cap and pay for testing and a sticker when I get my car inspected.  Yet, the large city to my west doesn't have to do this?!!! It makes no sense.  The biggest polluters keep getting away with it, and the little guy who lives "downwind" pays for it.  I don't know where or when it will change, but it must.  We are killing ourselves and our neighbors.

  2. the answerers are right. in my opinion, it destroys earth because of the harmful things pollution excretes in the atmosphere. it makes our surroundings unclean and if unclean, more health hazards are inevitable to prevent. the major pollutions i consider to harm the most is global warming. even though many contests that it is not really happening and is not caused by us, we should do something to lessen the effects of this phenomenon. example, save energy, just commute instead of using private cars, use safe alternatives for energy and so much more.

    but i want to clarify that we can never stop pollution because even though we stop all man made pollutions in an instant, natural calamities could still cause pollution like volcanic eruptions. still, do your best to save the environment.

    Good Luck!

  3. Hello

    I think pollution in its essence is distructive to life hence why it's pollution.

    Key forms of pollution @ mo

    1) Vehicle pollution  . . . greatly varied between types of v.

    2) Industrial pollution . . .could be any number of chemicals getting into any number of "streams" (food we eat, water we drink, seeping out of the ground our houses are built on.

    3) light/noise pollution . . .  upsetting wildlife on a large scale so that breeding rates, ability to hunt is affected.

    What can we do, wow there's an essay of a question. . .

    1) well if we try to change vehicles there will be lots of obsticles to overcome and this can only occur over a length of time.

    2) If we force companies too much it will affect profits and the problem is they'll take their companies elsewhere, and that affects our economy badly.

    3) Better designed street lights, (i like the ones that activate when you walk near), electric cars (quieter) better insulatied housing, for both noise and light.

    I have just covered the basics there you could go in depth about the chemicals but I thought you'd appreciate a grounding in what pollution can mean.

    to Richard: Mate I hope that sub species is you!

  4. Pollution is horrible. It is killing this world. I wish everyone could change the lifestyle, but that's everyones wish..........

  5. Starts from you and I. We shouldn't blame the Gov, because we are the one to support it by buying what we don't need.

  6. first recognize that the biosphere we call earth is rather robust, and self correcting. we can damage in the short term our environment, but long term the earth will win in the end.

    that said we do need to take care of the environment. we need to recycle more, and cut the emissions we put out. i rather like breathing clean air and drinking clean water. but we have to be responsible with the laws we make, and how they are enforced. we cant just shut down industry because they might harm some bit of land some where, or because some minor sub-species of a sub-species of some animal might lose a bit of their habitat.

  7. I think it is horrible and we need to do something about it or we are gonna pay in the long run.

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