
Whats your opinion on the Marine Corps.?

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i want to join the Marines. As most of you know. But tell me your opinion on the Marine Corps. And recommend why i should not join them




  1. I am in the Army and my little brother is in the Marine Corps so I have spent some time around Marines and they are among the best in the business without a doubt.  There are may reasons for joining a particular branch - for some it is a family tradition of serving in one branch while for others it is done for the particular MOS (job) offered by one branch over the other.  For others still it is the amount  of money offered in bonuses or for college.  You have to first determine if the military is the right move for you and then decide on a branch that serves you best.  If the Marine Corps is what you want to do than stop talking about it an go for it.

  2. My opinion on the Marines? They are heroes, plain and simple.  

  3. Wow, hard question to answer.  My son is now a Marine (leaves for boot camp September 22, 2008)...and he has chosen to go into reconnaissance.  Such a hard pill to swallow.  All the talking and praying has not changed his mind.  He will do what he feels is best for his life...and so will you.  We can tell you that the Marines is this and that...and fill your ears with many negatives...and many positives, but at the end of the day, if you are destined to become a will.  Good luck with what ever decision you make.

  4. The decision is up to you  and only you man. People might tell you things you want to hear, and some people might tell you things you don't want to hear, either way the decision is up to you. Just know that the Marines don't **** around, because when **** hits the fan, they're the first ones in.  

  5. Why would I recommend you not join them if you wish to become a Marine???

    Those who are truly destined to be Marines will one day wake up in boot camp..those who toy with the notion of being a Marine as if anyone can become one will just continue to do that..

  6. most respected people around.

    semper Fi

  7. I have worked with marines most of my career. It's a tough job, and a hard life. But Marines are the best in the world. I would not give up the experiences I have had for anything in the world.  

  8. if you want to risk your life in a war then join, seams like a stupid thing to do to me.

    i do have a lot of respect for marines though

  9. My opinion of them has diminished over the years due to several incidents where when seeking PR points, Marine brass ok'd the use of Marines in movies portraying the exploits of other forces. Heartbreak Ridge specifically.

    I also find it disturbing that they misrepresent themselves by claiming to be Special ops or Elite Forces which they are not by any internationally known publication or standard. I do most certainly understand the over exuberance to a degree, but much today borders on stolen valor and misrepresentation. Marines will tell you they are the first in and the last out. That simply is not the truth. The US has rapid deployment forces consisting of Airborne, and Ranger units, along with Special Forces that are active in any combat zone long before Marines can even be deployed.

    I can't give you a good reason not to join them, just as long as you understand that outside the Force Recon, F/O's and the newly formed Special Forces, Marines are Mech and Straight Leg infantry soldiers in the second largest infantry unit in the free world. That is their reality.

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