
Whats your opinion on this Canadian law.

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The Delgamuk Decision, made a number of years ago in my home country of Canada, states that the Natives of Canada(i.e the Indians) dont have to pay any sort of tax to the Canadian government.

How do you feel about this law.

For more research, google Delgamuk Decision.




  1. like most laws you have to read the fine print.  That tax exemption only holds true for status indians living on reserve.  Once off reserve they pay taxes like everyone else.  

    Look at it this way... everyone in canada (except natives) moved here on their own free will knowing the law of the land and that they'd have to pay taxes. It was their choice.  Natives didnt have that option did they? so its fair that they have a means of avoiding tax laws imposed.

    I think its a fair compromise.  

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